Author: admin

Common Core school standards… being exposed

A great meeting Monday night of the Marietta 912 providing information to families on the issue of Common Core Standards in the schools in OH and WV. Nearly 100 people taking notes and asking questions. If you have never heard…

Immediate Action Items for the Week of 4/22/2013

The Battle in the Senate The state senate will be meeting this week to discuss the budget. The PARCC reference successfully removed in the House was a good start, but we need more on this leg of the journey to…

The Night Watchman

Once upon a time the government had a vast scrap yard in the desert. Congress said, “Someone could steal from it at night.” So they hired a night watchman to watch it. Then Congress said, “The watchman can’t do his…

On This Date

“By the rude bridge that arched the flood, their flag to April’s breezes unfurled, here once the embattled farmers stood, and fired the shot heard round the world.” Ralph Waldo Emerson The battle of Concord Bridge was fought on this…

Common Core State Standards Initiative

by Kevin Ritter Today in our schools there is a movement gaining traction that seeks to limit the reading of classical literature at the expense of what are being called “informational texts.” The movement, called the Common Core State Standards…

Republican state central committeewoman slanders tea party leader running for Ohio GOP Chair

Zawistowski Responds to Smear Campaign by State Central Committee Member Kent, OH – Tom Zawistowski, Candidate for Chairman of the Ohio Republican Party responded today to false charges by a State Central Committee member that he is working with the…

About Common Core State Standards

The National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) together formed the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI) to develop a set of academic standards to be used in common across all states.  The Common…

First Ohio Town to Reject Agenda 21

  Marysville, Ohio is the first town in Ohio to pass a Resolution Opposing United Nations Agenda 21. Yea, for freedom!   Resolution 6-13 RESOLUTION OPPOSING United Nations Agenda 21   Whereas, the City of Marysville was founded on the…