Category: NATIONAL ISSUES / Into the abyss…

Tucker Carlson February 9, 2024 Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells us why the Ukraine war must end now. [ >> CLICK HERE TO VIEW ] Watch and Share … Eagle Pass Invasion

February 6, 2024 By Sean P. Keefe MOVCAC Contributor Six months ago, I had never heard of Eagle Pass, Texas. The border/illegal immigration issue has been a political football since I’ve been an adult.  My introduction to the issue came… Border Alert February 4th

The Truth About The Border February 4, 2024 Tucker Carlson Pastor Jack Hibbs Tom Zawistowski Sean Keeke How China and the UN are Fueling the Invasion of America Tucker Carlson Bret Weinstein traveled to the Darien Gap to understand who’s behind…

Our Increasingly Unrecognizable Civilization

Movcac news update on banner on plain white background

ImprimisMark SteynApril/May 2021 I live about 20 minutes south of the Canadian border, which used to be called the longest undefended frontier in the world. People moved freely back and forth across it all day every day. But now it’s…


By John Birch Society Restore Election Integrity Park the Motor Voter Act The federal government is unconstitutionally involved in the election business. Many voter-registration problems were caused by the Motor Voter Act, which forced states to implement automatic voter registration…

Logan says, “unless you attack the funding and the political support” for ANTIFA/BLM the situation won’t change.

We The People ConventionTalia Kaplan, FoxNews, 9/8/20 [ Click Here to Watch Video ] Antifa violence is backed by “powerful political entities” who need to be exposed to stop it, Fox Nation host Lara Logan told “Fox & Friends First” on Tuesday. The host of…