Category: WV ISSUES


Mac Warner for Governor Campaign / Charleston, WV Joe Manchin and Larry Puccio Move to Take Control of the WV Republican Party! To get Justice’s endorsement, Moore Capito brings Democrats Joe Manchin and Larry Puccio into the race for…

West Virginia Bill Seeks to Hold Librarians Criminally Liable for Allowing Children Access to Obscene Books February 18, 2024 Cassandra MacDonald A West Virginia bill seeks to hold librarians criminally liable for allowing children to access obscene books. House Bill 4654 was passed by the West Virginia House of Delegates last week with a vote of…

MOVCAC – WV HB5243 Women’s Rights

February 11, 2024 Sean P. Keefe: Contributor When living in the Dumb Age one has to get used to the idiocracy placed on public display for all to see.  Below you will find the public hearing held in the…

Members of MOVCAC testified in favor of WV HB-4654, a bill that aims to restrict minors’ access to pornographic materials. – The People’s News January 26, 2024 by Sean P. Keefe Author’s Comments – I would encourage you to see the news articles from “so-called” West Virginia trusted news outlets linked at the end of this story. One is…

WV HB4654 – Public Hearing

January 26, 2024 MOVCAC Contributor:  Sean P. Keefe The West Virginia House of Delegates held a public hearing for House Bill 4654 on Wednesday, January 24, 2024.  The bill as written would “amend and reenact §61-8A-3 of the Code of…

Fighting the Good Fight

Braden Roten January 4, 2024 How to Stand Against Political Corruption in West Virginia Everyone knows that in a general sense, politics is a messy, corrupt business– and West Virginia is no exception. Up and down the ladder, you can…

Local Voices Ignored

Northern WV MOVCAC Chapter by Heather Farmer, Ohio County, WV All concerned citizens of Ohio County WV are encouraged to watch the video of the Ohio County Board of Education’s  Special meeting held last night, Thursday, June 29, 2023, in…