Category: Opinion

Make Christianity Masculine Again

By Dave Daubenmire May 23rd, 2024 Most Christian pastors are woosies.  There.  I said it. The compromised, weak, Jesus loves everybody messages emanating from the pulpits of America are responsible for the full bore, full steam ahead, in-your-face-assault on everything…

OH Gov. Mike DeWine announces Grants (Pork Barrel Projects*) for Marietta, Beverly MAY 7, 2024 MICHELLE DILLON Merriam-Webster Dictionary Definition *Pork Barrel /ˈpôrk ˌber(ə)l/ Government projects that benefit people in a particular part of the country and that are done to help the political careers of elected officials Grants/Pork Barrel Projects…

Athens Co. fracking leak, inaction show the dire public health dangers of Ohio regulatory capture

Ohio Capital Journal Marilou Johanek April 30, 2024 Let’s say you, like roughly 45% of Ohioans, rely on groundwater wells to provide a constant supply of clean, safe drinking water. Now suppose, unbeknownst to you, an exceptionally toxic cocktail of…

Let’s Talk About the WV Legislative Session 2024 March 13, 2024 By: Amy Thornton West Virginia boasts a red supermajority, with Republicans controlling the office of Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, and both chambers of the state legislature. So, it may come as a surprise to…

Does Your School’s Board of Education realize the effect that new levies or bonds have on you and your community?

AN ECONOMIC IMPACT STUDY ON A SCHOOL DISTRICT’S $161 MILLION BOND ISSUE This may not be your school’s bond issue but the number will be the same. Thursday, February 29, 2024 Joseph V. Mestnik | Liberty News and Views Money is…

Are you ready to be ‘upgraded’ to Humanity 2.0?

Movcac opinion logo on plain white background February 15, 2023 Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari say it’s just a matter of time before you will be I’ve seen several reports that ChatGPT, the new artificial intelligence program that’s all the rage, has been found to have…

Perversion At The Schoolhouse Door

Movcac opinion logo on plain white background

Times Square Church Pastor Carter Conlon In “Perversion at the Schoolhouse Door”, our general overseer, Pastor Carter Conlon, speaks out of Isaiah 1 on how we, like the people of Israel, can so easily forsake God and His will.

Simple Truths for Complicated Times – Part IV

Date: April 7, 2022MOVCAC Contributor Sean P. Keefe A cursory review of any set of American decades will reveal a political scandal or two, some instances of civil unrest, perhaps an economic downturn, and even some global issues warranting worldwide…