Author: admin

Let’s Talk About the WV Legislative Session 2024 March 13, 2024 By: Amy Thornton West Virginia boasts a red supermajority, with Republicans controlling the office of Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, and both chambers of the state legislature. So, it may come as a surprise to…

March 11th 2024 Meeting Material

Washington County OH Chapter AGENDA Opening Prayer Pledge Pastor Jack Hibbs Prayer Before Congress 2024 Welcome New People New Meeting Security Update Reminder OH Issues  ZOOM Call from – Tom Z VOTER ISSUES Voter Integrity Ohioans For Transparency WV Issues…

Does Your School’s Board of Education realize the effect that new levies or bonds have on you and your community?

AN ECONOMIC IMPACT STUDY ON A SCHOOL DISTRICT’S $161 MILLION BOND ISSUE This may not be your school’s bond issue but the number will be the same. Thursday, February 29, 2024 Joseph V. Mestnik | Liberty News and Views Money is…

It’s My Own Damn Fault By Coach Dave Daubenmire March 1, 2024 “Some people say that there’s a woman to blame, but I know, it’s my own damn fault.”  —Jimmy Buffet.  “Margaritaville” It is always someone else’s fault.  Have you noticed that, here in…

Heart disease in children explodes since vaccine

The Irish Light Issue 11 Sudden deaths of children soar as media stay silent The greatest crime ever committed by an Irish government – and there have been many – will not be concealed from the Irish people for much…

MOVCAC – November 2023 Excess Death Analysis – Wood County WV Sean P. Keefe February 29, 2024 On September 11, 2001, we all watched in horror as the World Trade Center collapsed in New York City.  Weirdly, the Pentagon was also targeted.  I say weirdly because on September 10, 2001,…

February 26th 2024 Meeting Material

Washington County OH Chapter AGENDA Opening Prayer Pledge Welcome New People You Must Become A Truth Evangelist New Meeting Security Update OH Issues  WV Issues THE BOOKS Where are the Moral Supporters of WV House Bill 4654? WV bill seeks…

Ohio GOP Takes Big Money from Teachers’ Unions Linda Harvey As Ohioans consider candidates during this election year, let’s think about our values and who we will support. For instance, most of us are well aware by now of the pro-abortion, far left, pro-Democrat, pro-LGBTQ, pro-DEI actions…