Author: admin

Nearly 200 Attend Common Core Regional Town Hall – OH and WV

Common Core Town Hall Regional Town Hall Meeting on School Standards   Sponsored by American Principles Project Saturday June 29 1:00 PM Doors Open 12:30  Valley Harvest Church 104 Tennis Center Dr. /Marietta, OH     FOCUS POINTS Common Core…

Timothy Dwight – President of Yale, 1795-1817

by Ron Feathers   Born: 14-May–1752 Birthplace: Northampton, MA Died: 11-Jan–1817 American divine, writer, and educator, was born at Northampton, Massachusetts, on the 14th of May 1752. His father, also Timothy Dwight, a graduate of Yale College (1744), was a…

Classical Education vs. Common Core

In the spring of 2010 the federal government required cash-strapped states to sign on to the Common Core Standards in order to qualify for over $4.35 billion in Race to the Top [stimulus] funds. The deadline was such that the…

How Does Common Core Affect Homeschoolers?

By Joy Pullmann Much of the time, public school initiatives and regulations do not affect homeschoolers. The “next big thing” in public education, called Common Core education standards, already is, and that influence will grow. There are three major ways…

Why No Farm Bill, 2013 or Otherwise

June 12, 2013 Rebecca Khune Caldwell, Ohio The $1 trillion Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act of 2013 is the insidious continuation of a bad idea. When I first thought of writing about the proposed Farm Bill I wanted to…

Disaster Relief for Oklahoma Follow-Up

These are more than just words 9 Principles – 12 Values Honesty Reverence Hope Thrift Humility Charity = Disaster Relief Sincerity Moderation Hard Work Courage Personal Responsibility Gratitude Here is a recap of a truly great effort from the people of…

Moore Oklahoma

Today the truck is being loaded for Moore OK. Last Tuesday we set in motion a disaster relief effort among our churches and MOV community to deliver supplies to the families in Oklahoma. Marietta Transfer Company has supplied a truck…

Disaster Relief for Oklahoma

Tuesday we set in motion a disaster relief effort among our churches and MOV community to deliver supplies to the families in Oklahoma. Marietta Transfer Company has supplied a truck and driver and fuel for this trip. Solvay is providing…