June 12, 2013 Rebecca Khune Caldwell, Ohio The $1 trillion Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act of 2013 is the insidious continuation of a bad idea. When I first thought of writing about the proposed Farm Bill I wanted to…
Disaster Relief for Oklahoma Follow-Up
These are more than just words 9 Principles – 12 Values Honesty Reverence Hope Thrift Humility Charity = Disaster Relief Sincerity Moderation Hard Work Courage Personal Responsibility Gratitude Here is a recap of a truly great effort from the people of…
Moore Oklahoma
Today the truck is being loaded for Moore OK. Last Tuesday we set in motion a disaster relief effort among our churches and MOV community to deliver supplies to the families in Oklahoma. Marietta Transfer Company has supplied a truck…
Disaster Relief for Oklahoma
Tuesday we set in motion a disaster relief effort among our churches and MOV community to deliver supplies to the families in Oklahoma. Marietta Transfer Company has supplied a truck and driver and fuel for this trip. Solvay is providing…
Marietta School Issue
As you read the following letter that was sent to the Marietta City School Board concerning an issue that occurred recently, please put yourself in the “shoes” of this parent. The real question here is if this happened to your…
The Boston Bombings: The Biblical Response
by Hope Taylor If you’ve had the privilege of visiting Washington, D.C., and had the courage to ride the subway which is know as the Metro, you will recognize the familiar phrase repeated thousands of times daily: “See Something, Say…