Category: News

Heartbeat Bill

Anti-abortion backers rally outside Statehouse The Daily Record By MARC KOVAC Dix Capital BureauPublished: September 18, 2014 COLUMBUS — Backers of legislation that would ban abortions within weeks of conception prayed outside the Statehouse Wednesday and rallied for the bill’s…

Police in Dire Need of Law Education, Good Manners

Beavercreek OH Walmart Eyewitnesses Contradict Police Statements and 911 Caller Green County Herald / 08/18/2014 / By Virgil Vaduva How I encountered the Beavercreek Police Department and lived to tell the story On a cold evening on January 15, 2011…

Real Heroes Who are Forgotten in History

REAL HEROES by Robert Feathers… Irena Sendler was a hero in Warsaw, Poland. During WWII, she got permission to work in the Warsaw ghetto as a plumbing/sewer specialist. Her motive was revealed but not until she had smuggled 2500 children…

Open borders: punish the people for the government’s sins

By Jon Rappoport  | July 10, 2014 “I used to wonder why God used a prop like the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil to inflict guilt on Adam&Eve, until I realized it could have been a steak or…

NAPOLITANO: From an inherited tyrant to an elected one

WASHINGTON TIMES | By Andrew P. Napolitano | Celebrating Independence Day the way President Obama would After a brief holiday last week, I returned to some heavy reading, courtesy of the federal government. Some of the materials that I read…

Immigration Influx is About ‘Re-Education’ of Society

by Paul Joseph Watson | INFOWARS.COM | June 25, 2014   UC Professor Hamamoto warns amnesty will lead to creation of subservient underclass University of California Professor Darrell Y. Hamamoto warns that the influx of illegal immigrants into the United…

Common Core “Stop Jeb Now” Rally

This Is All About Our Children…. In Cincinnati on Monday, the RNC held a $32,400 per “co-chair” fundraiser with featured speaker, former Florida Governor, Jeb Bush. Rally attendees were on hand from Ohioans Against Common Core to point out to…