Author: admin

Simply Unstoppable!

Trump could be First in History to Win all 50 States according to Linguistic Genius by Brandon Jonseck   Learning. We all go through life learning new things. We meet new people and learn about their life. We try a new…

Need a Reason to Vote in November 2016

I have five scary words for all voters who backed losing candidates in the Republican primaries and who are threatening to sit out the November election because they don’t like Donald Trump: Supreme Court Justice Barack Obama The choice in…

A Message For Christians About Donald Trump

  The choice should be easy for Christians… by Wayne Allyn Root I am a Jew turned evangelical Christian. I am also a passionate supporter of Donald Trump. I have a message for Christians who don’t like Donald Trump: “YOU’RE MISSING THE…

Ten Reasons to Vote for Trump

  #1… his resume. Of everyone running for president, Trump is the only one who has ever employed anyone. He is the only one who has any experience in international trade. He is the only one who understands the impact of…

Donald Trump Economic Plan

Donald Trump Full Economic Plan Speech in Detroit, Michigan Donald Trump Rally in Detroit, Michigan at the Cobo Center (August 8, 2016) – Full Speech: Donald Trump Detroit Michigan Speech

Globalist Vs Nationalist

Globalist Vs Nationalist = Clinton Vs Trump The Millennium Report Establishment, Corporate owned Politicians like Hillary Clinton have voted to remove the Country of origin from our meat. And they voted to ship our livestock over to China to be butchered and sent back here for consumption.…

Republicans for Johnson-Weld

GOP/e front group to fund Gary Johnson to defeat Trump. “Vote for Johnson is a Vote for Hillary” It is no longer rhetoric. It is their new strategy. Activists from across the country today launched Republicans for Johnson-Weld, an effort…


by Geoffrey Grider Without naming Trump, George W. Bush warned against “isolationism, nativism and protectionism” and blasted Trump for his attacks on Muslims, sources told the Wall Street Journal. The strong rebuke from the Republican Party’s last President, who has…