Jim Justice Deserves Scorn – Not the Senate

September 13, 2023
MOVCAC Contributor:  Sean P. Keefe

Jim Justice ran for Governor of West Virginia in 2016 as a Democrat.  Shortly after his election, he announced his switch to the republican party at an event with President Donald Trump.  What many may not know is that Jim Justice was a registered republican who switched to democrat in order to run for governor.  Those political maneuvers should have told us much about how Jim Justice would perform as governor.

The only true measure of any politician over the last few years is how they reacted to the Covid plandemic – and plandemic it was.  If you are unaware of how certain densely-populated areas were used to pump up the Covid death numbers in order to scare the rest of the country into a pandemic, please check out our article from April – Blinded by Plain Sight.

Strike One – Face Masks

From the very beginning of this medical emergency, we were made acutely aware of the details regarding how children were unaffected by this disease.  We knew early on that the elderly and the immune-compromised were the most at risk.  The medical community as a whole knew perfectly well that community masking had no impact on the spread of a virus.  In fact, Anthony Fauci co-authored a paper available at NIH.Gov that explains that most of the deaths from the Spanish Flu (1918-1919) were not from the virus but from secondary bacterial infections (Bacterial Pneumonia Caused Most Deaths in 1918 Influenza Pandemic).  Many argue it is the use of face coverings that exacerbated the sickness experienced by those who contracted the virus.

Considered the “Gold Standard” in study reviews, Cochrane did a comprehensive dive into the effectiveness of – Physical Interventions to interrupt or Reduce the Spread of Respiratory Viruses.  Their conclusion on face coverings is telling:

Medical or surgical masks

Seven studies took place in the community, and two studies in healthcare workers. Compared with wearing no mask, wearing a mask may make little to no difference in how many people caught a flu-like illness (9 studies; 3507 people); and probably makes no difference in how many people have flu confirmed by a laboratory test (6 studies; 3005 people). Unwanted effects were rarely reported, but included discomfort.

N95/P2 respirators

Four studies were in healthcare workers, and one small study was in the community. Compared with wearing medical or surgical masks, wearing N95/P2 respirators probably makes little to no difference in how many people have confirmed flu (5 studies; 8407 people); and may make little to no difference in how many people catch a flu-like illness (5 studies; 8407 people) or respiratory illness (3 studies; 7799 people). Unwanted effects were not well reported; discomfort was mentioned.

Some may say that hindsight is 20/20.  To that I ask why we never instituted community masking for any other virus?  Why have we allowed an average of 34,700 deaths/year over the ten-year period prior to the Covid “emergency?”  If masks always worked against respiratory viruses, why were we not saving the grandmas, grandpas and immune-compromised by wearing masks then?

Number of influenza deaths in the United States from 2010 to 2022

Source – https://www.statista.com/statistics/1124915/flu-deaths-number-us/

There are many obvious reasons masks don’t work:

Improper wearing
Size of virus particles vs. mask material openings
Improper fitting
Touching of the mask
Reuse of dirty masks
Improper storage of reused masks

Can you imagine following a 10-year-old child around and seeing what filth they accumulate on a mask that they are wearing for an entire day.  Then that mask ends up in the parent’s car cupholder until the child dons it the next day when dropped off at school.  For a nation that begged us to follow the science, our governor failed to even consider it.  Instead of leading, Jim Justice was a panicked follower.  On July 7, 2020, our governor signed Executive Order No. 50-20 requiring face coverings for all West Virginia residents over the age of 9.  Worse than that executive order, he allowed school systems throughout the state to require face masks on all students regardless of age.

Strike Two – Covid Vaccinations

I have written about the bully pulpit and its use by our political leaders.  Here again, our governor was a follower rather than a leader.  I spent hours listening to him and Clay Marsh wax on and on about the vaccine and how it is our only hope out of this pandemic.  Not once in one of their Covid updates did I hear anything about early treatment.  We were forced to watch people suffer in hospitals and drown in their own fluids.  Whether it was the use of Remdesivir or ventilators, our friends and family, when symptoms appeared, were told to go home and come back to the hospital when it got worse.

We knew early on that Ivermectin and HCQ, among other antivirals, were effective when given early (DOD Documents: Ivermectin and Hydroxychloriquine – Curative).  Many licensed physicians created their own protocols including these antivirals along with antibiotics and a steroid.  Those physicians were pilloried with some of them having to fight to keep their medical licenses active.  While countries like India and Mexico were finding Ivermectin helpful, the United States was making the use of the drug a crime:

Indian State Will Offer Ivermectin To Entire Adult Population — Even As WHO Warns Against Its Use As Covid-19 Treatment

Effectiveness of a multidrug therapy consisting of Ivermectin, Azithromycin, Montelukast, and Acetylsalicylic acid to prevent hospitalization and death among ambulatory COVID-19 cases in Tlaxcala, Mexico

This doctor said vaccines magnetize people. Ohio suspended her medical license

Rather than relying on existing drugs costing pennies, our national approach was to create a new mRNA technology that had never been used for vaccines before, which had always failed animal trials, and had 1,223 fatal outcomes in the trial used with the FDA to secure its Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).


Instead of leading our state with actual scientific data, Jim Justice followed.  He was praised by the media for his daring to support the vaccine in the face of many red states pushing back.

CNN- This Republican governor NAILS it on anti-vaxxers

Washington Post – GOP West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice is done with all that nonsense on vaccines

He also put into place incentives for children, grandparents, and students, giving away trucks, guns, and cash – Guns, Trucks And Trips: West Virginia Expands Prizes For Vaccinated Residents.

In the Washington Post piece linked above, Jim Justice said:

“The red states probably have a lot of people that, you know, are very, very conservative in their thinking. And they think, ‘Well, I don’t have to do that.’ But they’re not thinking right,” he said. “I hate to say this is what would put them over the edge: is an awful lot of people die. The only way that’s going to happen is a catastrophe that none of us want.”

That lack of patience again spilled over July 6, when Justice declared that, “If you’re not vaccinated, you’re part of the problem rather than part of the solution.”

He could not have been more wrong.  Our analysis of excess death in Wood Co. is alarming – Excess Deaths in 2021 & 2022 – Who Cares?  But more alarming is that we have no statewide reporting on death since 2020.  The HHS website only has birth and death records through 2020.

Source – https://dhhr.wv.gov/HSC/SS/Vital_Statistics/Pages/Vital_Statistics.aspx

But the most damning evidence of his failure with the covid vaccines are his own words.  In a media briefing on May 11 of this year (West Virginia Public Broadcasting), Jim Justice said the following:

“There’s a group that I would worry about in this day and time with the information that we have,” Justice said. “That group would have been the group that did not get vaccinated, but they may very well end up being the group that is the safest and healthiest.”

 How can this man run for the U.S. Senate with a straight face after saying those words?  He coerced, bribed, and bullied people into getting this experimental mRNA technology and now says those that he pilloried as stupid and reckless “may very well end up being the group that is the safest and healthiest.”

Strike Three – Pornography in Schools and Libraries

Jim Justice’s performance in the face of Covid alone should bar him from ever holding public office ever again.  However, there has been another pandemic we have been facing over the last few years.

We have documented in detail how our government-run schools and libraries are making pornographic material available to our children.  If you find it hard to believe, please see the details on our website – Liars and Their Bully Pulpit.  For pointing this out, we have been called fascists, Nazis and book-burners.

No right to restrict reading – Richard A. Bush

Citizen Action Makes a Difference

At a news event regarding amendment 2 on October 31, 2022, at the Blennerhasset Hotel, Parkersburg, WV Jessica Rowley hand delivered this graphic material to Jim Justice.  To date, Mr. Justice has not spoken a word about this material or why our government is allowing our children to be exposed to it.

If he is unwilling to protect our children from this degeneracy, why would we allow him to represent all West Virginians?


Jim Justice tortures our children with masks, bullies his people into getting a completely unsafe and ineffective experimental medical treatment, and allows for pornography to be peddled to our children in his government-run schools and libraries, and then asks us for a promotion!

If we elect this failed politician in the face of all of this incompetence, we deserve what we get.



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