Americans should be very concerned about a new trade deal …

Dave Brat: Americans should be very concerned about a new trade deal going through Congress


by Glenn Beck Program
Thursday, Jun 11, 2015

A new trade deal is making its way through Congress, and Congressman Dave Brat has a lot of concerns about some of the provisions in the bill. The unusual thing about this bill is that many strong conservatives are lining up on opposite sides of the fence. Some are for it, like Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Ben Sasse. But Dave Brat and Mike Lee oppose it. Rep. Brat shared light on the issue on Thursday’s radio show.


GLENN: There are two things going on in the country that I just don’t know what to make of. And one of them is Jade Helm. I just don’t know what to make of that. I just don’t know what to make of it. The other is the TTP. This is the Trans-Pacific Partnership. And there’s no sunlight on it. And usually you can say, okay, well, who is for it, who is against it? Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, James Inhofe, Ben Sasse, Tim Scott, David Vitter, Joni Ernst, and James Risch — is it Risch or Risch? PAT: No, it’s Risch. 



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