WV DHHR K-12 Mobile Testing & Vaccine Vans
August 16, 2022
MOVCAC Contributor: Sean P. Keefe
On August 15, 2022 the WV DHHR announced that they have “purchased 16 mobile vans to provide free COVID-19 testing and vaccines for West Virginia’s K-12 public and private schools during school or community events” (DHHR Purchases Mobile COVID-19 Vans for Testing and Vaccines).
For those of you paying attention, this is shocking news. From the beginning of this “pandemic”, we have known that children are least affected by the disease. Survival rates are known to be over 99% for all those under the age of 64 (American Council on Science and Health – November 18, 2020). We also know, based on the FDA approval letter for Pfizer’s Comirnaty (FDA Comirnaty Approval Letter – August 23, 2021), that some of the different categories of safety studies for this new mRNA technology will not conclude until 2026 (examples below).
- Deferred pediatric Study C4591001 to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of COMIRNATY in children 12 years through 15 years of age. Study Completion May 31, 2023
- Deferred pediatric Study C4591007 to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of COMIRNATY in infants and children 6 months to <12 years of age. Study completion November 30, 2023
- Study C4591009, entitled “A Non-Interventional Post-Approval Safety Study of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine in the United States,” to evaluate the occurrence of myocarditis and pericarditis following administration of COMIRNATY. Study Completion June 30 2025
- Study C4591036, a prospective cohort study with at least 5 years of follow-up for potential long-term sequelae of myocarditis after vaccination (in collaboration with Pediatric Heart Network). Study Completion December 31, 2026
WVDHHR’s website touts the injections as safe even though safety data will not be available for years (WVDHHR COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions).
We also know, based on Pfizer’s own Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Events Report (see table 1 on page 7) that of the 42,086 adverse events that occurred in the trial that led to FDA Emergency Use Authorization, 1,223 resulted in fatalities. This has turned out to be a prophetic table. In WV, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) has shown an average of 0.67 deaths reported per year from 2015 through 2020 with the highest being 2 in 2015. In 2021, with the rollout of these new mRNA shots, WV reported 57 deaths in 2021 and 13 deaths as of June 29, 2022. Below is the chart for WV VAERS reported deaths 2015-2022:
Knowing that both Pfizer and VAERS report deaths related to these experimental injections, and knowing that the survival rate for those under 64 is over 99%, what justification can there be for marketing and administering these to children at all? Anyone familiar with the COVID data could argue that the vaccines have exacerbated the death and illness experienced in WV. The following details taken directly from the CDC Covid Tracker website show the substantial increase in deaths and cases in WV since these experimental injections were rolled out:
Finally, why is our state government investing in mobile testing and vaccination units when it is obvious to any observer that these shots are not vaccines? Being vaccinated for something always meant that you would not get the disease for which you took the vaccine. The medical community may argue that if you take the vaccine, you won’t get AS SICK, but that can only be inferred and is impossible to prove. I could say the same about taking an aspirin for a headache. The aspirin doesn’t prevent the headache from happening, it makes the headache less painful. That is a therapeutic, not a vaccine. The following list of “vaccinated” people who have since contracted COVID is not meant to be exhaustive, but is a damning indictment of the effectiveness of the mRNA technology:
Joe Biden Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Governor Gretchen Whitmer
Jill Biden Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Stacy Abrams
Joe Manchin Dr. Anthony Fauci Barrack Obama
Elizabeth Warren Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Hillary Clinton
Governor Gavin Newsome Governor Jim Justice Kamala Harris
Adam Schiff Nancy Pelosi
In his July 2021 CNN townhall, Joe Biden said, “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccines. If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and you’re not going to die.” He either lied directly to the American people or was mistakenly spreading disinformation.
Jim Justice said during one of his Covid-19 briefings that not getting the vaccine was like putting a gun to your own head. Did he tell the 70 West Virginians that have been reported as vaccine related deaths in 2021 & 2022 that taking the vaccine was like playing Russian Roulette? Pfizer knew it was and actually reported their 1,223 deaths to the FDA. The FDA, Tony Fauci and Jim Justice have decided that that information is not for public consumption.
I cannot explain why these mRNA injections are still being marketed and administered. In 1976, the Swine Flu vaccination program was halted when 50 deaths were reported. In 2022, 1,223 deaths in Pfizer’s own documentation and 70 deaths in the State of West Virginia alone is cause for a mobile vaccination program aimed at our children and grandchildren.
If you are a parent, pay close attention to all documents signed for your children in school. The government and education systems are doing everything they can to get this mRNA technology in your children. Know your rights. Know the science. Know the risks.
Tell your government and their indoctrination sites masquerading as educational centers that your child’s health is your business not theirs.