Wood County WV BOE is Broken and in Need of Repair
September 28, 2023
MOVCAC Contributor: Sean P. Keefe
It is amazing attending Wood County Board of Education meetings in 2023. Four of the five members of the board have been there since the beginning of Covid. Listening to the back-slapping and the pomp and circumstance in the presentation of awards, one might forget that the last three years have been filled with the board following idiotic dictates by those they perceive to be above them in the pecking order of the educational system.
They listened to the unions and kept schools closed even at the start of the 2020-2021 school year after we had learned that the Covid bug had little to no effect on children.
They listened to a moronic Governor, who travels with his equally well-fed dog, and masked children as young as five in their schools.
They listened to the American Library Association and peddled pornographic books to children in their schools. If you think, like the new Wood County Library Board member Sonya Ashby, that we are overstating the level of filth being made available, I urge you to check out Liars and Their Bully Pulpit published at MOVCAC in August.
They listened to public health officials and encouraged, coerced, and bribed their students to be involved in a medical experiment with a brand-new mRNA technology that has still not completed long-term safety studies.
These are catastrophic failures in their responsibility toward the children they have been entrusted with. Yet, I sat through over an hour of awards and recognitions at this latest meeting. Chad Conley and I waited over an hour to have our opportunity to address the failures of this board. By the time public forum came up on the agenda, the room was nearly empty. The newspaper did cover our comments briefly, ensuring that our most stinging words were printed. You will notice that Chad used the words “pedophile by proxy” and I used the words “useful idiots or malevolent accessories.” What they refuse to include in their reporting is why we used those words.
Prevention survey: WCS ‘going in the right direction’ – Parkersburg News and Sentinel
The media is most definitely the Enemy of The People.
The reason Chad and I were at the meeting is that we attended the most recent Wood County Library Board meeting. Sonya Ashby had just been appointed to the library board by the Board of Education, and this was to be her first meeting. We attended and Chad asked her position on two subjects.
- What is your position on pornographic material being made available to children in the libraries? Her response was to give the library’s policy which requires those under eight to be accompanied by a parent. When Chad asked about ten-year-olds, she chuckled and said if the parent cares, they will be there with them. She chuckled.
- Will you support ending the library’s membership in the American Library Association which is led by an avowed Marxist.Her response was an emphatic no.After her response, another board member asked if it was appropriate for board members to address public speakers during the public forum. At that point, the discussion ended. They certainly do love to hide behind their interpretation of the sunshine laws.
Knowing that at least parts of their community were concerned enough to attend board meetings, present material, and publicly show support for a more reasoned approach to library policies toward children, the Wood County Board of Education chose to appoint a person who not only supports this material being made available to children, but one who parrots the book-banning lie. In her letter to the editor from September 23, 2023, Ms. Ashby, while addressing camping in public spaces, somehow crowbars in a comparison to book-banning (Camping fines are anything but fine). I wonder why these same people are not upset with the banning of Playboy and Penthouse? Oh, because they aren’t banned. They are age-restricted – kind of like movies and alcohol.
Chad Conley announced his resignation as substitute teacher in protest to the ongoing support the board shows for the sexual grooming of children. Chad is a warrior, both overseas and at home.
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Again, we have followers not leaders running our board of education. Rather than think for themselves and protect the children they have been (S)elected to care for in our school systems, they follow what is not going to be attacked. If they stand up for decency and standards, they’ll be called fascists and Nazis by the new Brownshirts in our media and culture. Then again, we are funding actual Nazis in Ukraine, and just last week, the Canadian Parliament with Justin
Trudeau in attendance gave a standing ovation to an actual Nazi war criminal from Ukraine (Canada’s House speaker has stepped down after inviting a Nazi veteran to Parliament – NPR).
Cowards run from names.
We need courageous and moral people running our school systems if there is even a chance that the institution of public schools will survive the damage being done by these cowards. We need media that will shine the light, not only on awards and recognitions for wonderful employees who diligently provide for the education of our children, but on the catastrophic failures that impact the health, education, and well-being of our children as well.
I have sat through numerous presentations by various school employees showing the damage that our children have endured in just the last three years – one of them was given as we awaited our turn to speak. Where is the media to hold these failed politicians accountable? Where is the public outrage for the damage these failed politicians have inflicted on the future of our community?
And the only thing needed for evil to succeed and for our future generations to continue to be damaged by cowards and followers is for good people to remain silent.
Sitting at home resending Emails and Posting the latest Internet Podcasts or Pictures… DOES NOTHING to take back our communities from the evil that is everywhere.
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