Trump may be our last hope to shut up the politically correct

personal-libby John Myers

trump.foxAccording to the progressives, Donald Trump is the rudest man in America. Trump is successful and ambitious and tells it the way it is. That means he is not politically correct. Since President Barack Obama’s presidency, the country’s attitudes are contrary to what was taught to me 50 years ago. The once unacceptable — gays, lesbians and illegal aliens — are now not only acceptable but are coddled.

Political correctness in the 21st century demands we treasure any and all and consider them upstanding, productive human beings adding to the nation’s greatness. But building a government backed by a society that caters to the weak is the kind of job for a community organizer like Obama.

Trump, the G0P presidential front-runner, will have none of it. He is a no-nonsense man who calls a spade a spade. The liberals in the Republican and Democratic parties are acting in crisis mode to get Trump out of the campaign, and the mass media are all too eager to erase him from the race.

So, Mr. Trump, do you still beat your wife?

If you watched Fox News’ broadcast of the GOP debate with three moderators last Thursday, you saw moderator Megyn Kelly, who, like the others on the panel, asked nine of the 10 contenders mostly policy questions. That was until Kelly came to Trump. Kelly demanded to know about his insults to women he doesn’t like. On the podium Trump rightfully complained about the question from Kelly, who stated he had called women “fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals.”

Trump tried to make a joke by saying, “Only Rosie O’Donnell.”

Kelly pointed out that he once made a suggestive comment to a contestant on his reality TV show. She then asked, “Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president? And how will you answer the charge from Hillary Clinton, who was likely to be the Democratic nominee, that you are part of the war on women?”

Trump hit back with his best weapon, the truth: “I’ve been challenged by so many people, and I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either.”

Then Trump took aim at Kelly: “I’ve been very nice to you, although I could probably maybe not be, based on the way you have treated me. But I wouldn’t do that.”

Even a blind man can see that the PC are idiots

I didn’t really even figure out what PC or being politically correct was until my early 30s. We had three kids and talked to them about their school day. All three from the same school said how they were taught how everyone is special. They must not have had an English teacher at their school because the very definition of special means that everyone can’t be special. Children were taught there was another category of people, that special doesn’t mean exemplary; it just means special, as in “special needs.” It had become clear that excellence was no longer much celebrated.

By the mid-1990s, ordinary citizens would correct people if they thought they were rude, even if a person was talking quietly to himself with no one else around. It happened to me as I waited for my wife to pick me up from the Spokane Club on a rainy day. Across the street, a man with a white cane was skillfully navigating the intersection on the walk signal. In just a whisper I said: “That blind guy does pretty good.”

“He’s not blind,” said a woman’s voice right behind my shoulder. She was eavesdropping but didn’t see that as rude. “He’s sight-impaired!” Then she stormed off in a huff.

A couple of weeks later, I took a call at work regarding charity for the blind. Before I let the caller go, I asked what he called his ailment.

“I’m blind, man!”

I decided that whatever he was called by others out of their “kindness” was not going to change his life one iota, that people who wanted to say he was sight-impaired were just showing off how politically correct they were. Worst of all, people are all becoming PC with the treatment of animals — and not just Cecil the lion and his brother Jericho and his cubs.

The steer died with his hooves on

Calgary, Canada, has one of the largest rodeos every July. I grew up on a ranch, and I know that the men who are in charge of what is called the Calgary Stampede Board are cattlemen. They are also called cattle growers, and steers are what they harvest to put meat on the table and leather on almost everything.

But there was a big calf-roping disaster two years ago. If you are not familiar with calf roping, a cowboy on his horse comes out of a chute chasing a steer. The quickest cowboy to rope a steer from his horse and hogtie it is the champion. In 2013, a steer came to the end of his rope — literally. He died in the arena, and there was a great hush in the crowd like you might expect if person had suffered the same demise. It was quickly determined the steer was dead, so eight cowboys ran over to the body and covered it with a tarp. The very same people munching down hamburgers were aghast. There were even some talks of banning rodeos. And where did these once-a-year rodeo spectators think that steer was going to go in a few days? He would’ve been off to the feedlot and then the slaughterhouse for a more gruesome death.

So many people simply don’t think or think about unimportant issues. For instance, on the Sunday cable news cycle, Trump was attacked for saying that Kelly had “blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever.” Somehow that’s been twisted by the media, Democrats and Republicans to say that Trump was pointing out her weakness as a woman because she menstruates. Give me a break.

As for Trump, he is going to say what he believes. And he doesn’t care one bit about PC. He is right; it is a waste of time for him and the nation. And frankly, it’s a waste of time for anyone who loves to immerse himself in it and preach it. That’s because the angst and wastefulness of being politically correct is a contributing factor to the demise of America.

Yours in good days and bad,

–John Myers

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