Personal Conflicts of Interest May Cause Republicans to Not Vote to Override Kasich’s Line-Item Veto
Ohio Citizens PAC | July 3, 2017 | Tom Zawistowski

Zawistowski went on to explain, “First of all you have people like Marie Anielski (Dist 6), Mike Duffey (Dist 21) and Terry Johnson (Dist 90) who are termed limited out of the House and to whom Kasich can promise appointments to state jobs to get them not to vote to override the veto. Then you have people like Keith Faber (Dist 84) and Dorothy Pelanda (Dist 86) who are not only termed out of office but who are also running for state offices and who will decide to vote on the veto override based on what is best for them and their next campaign. Finally you have the Franklin County “Republicans” like Anne Gonzales (Dist 19), Mike Duffy (Dist 21), Laura Lanese (Dist 23) and Jim Hughes (Dist 24) who have close ties to Governor Kasich’s political machine which get’s a lot of money from companies and individuals who benefit from Medicaid Expansion and other cutbacks the Governor line-item vetoed. All Kasich needs is for seven of these nine people to not vote at all on Thursday and his veto’s will stand.
Zawistowski concluded, “This is not a mater of politics, it is a matter of mathematics. We are $8 billion over budget and Kasich want’s to add a hundred thousand more people to this failed program! We simply cannot afford to continue forcing hard working, tax paying, Ohioans to pay even more to buy health care for able bodied non-working Ohioans. Medicaid is for the elderly and the disabled and children and it needs to stay that way. All concerned Ohioans need to call their Republican Representatives in the Ohio House and Ohio Senate by the end of business Wednesday, and get their pledge to vote on Thursday to override the line-item veto of the Medicaid Expansion Freeze.”
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