PARENT ALERT: Sex Education in Schools

Gender Identity Curriculum Angers Parents in Virginia
CBN News June 11 | Charlene Aaron
WARNING: These 8th graders will soon be receiving lessons on “oral and anal” sex. Fourth graders will receive instruction about incest. The goal is to teach students about homosexual, bisexual, and transgender identity.
“Starting in kindergarten, students will be taught about same-sex or gay marriage and the parents will not be able to opt out,” Andrea Lafferty, president of the Traditional Values Coalition, told CBN News.
 Editor’s Note:
This story was originally published June 10. It has since been updated.
The Fairfax County Public school board recently approved lessons about homosexuality and gender identity in its Family Life Education curriculum. 
The board approved the controversial lessons in a 10-2 vote June 25.
According the Fairfax County School board website, “The early elementary program emphasizes the importance of families, distinction between good and bad touch, sources of help, and the importance of friendships. Human sexuality is first introduced in grade four.”
In middle school, students will build “on information learned in late elementary and physiology as well as the physical, psychological, and social changes that occur during adolescence.”
“Ninth and tenth graders will be provided definitions for heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, and transgender and that persons deserve to be treated with respect regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.”
Parents opposed to including the lessons protested at the hearing. Many are concerned that they won’t be able to opt their children out of the classes because the lessons have been moved from the Family Life Education curriculum into health classes, which are mandatory
According to The Daily Caller, school board member Elizabeth Schutlz, who voted against the curriculum, said, “Once you move something out of family life, the Family Life Education curriculum delivery method and into a health curriculum, by default, a parent no longer has the right to opt out.”
CBN News is investigating the issue further as well as unconfirmed statements made by Traditional Values Coalition President Andrea Lafferty during an interview on this matter posted on our website June 10, 2015.
CBN News reporter Charlene Aaron spoke with Lafferty in June about the school district’s motivation and how the controversial curriculum could spread to other school districts across the country
Earlier, CBN News reported that the district’s Family Life Education (FLE) lessons will include teachings on heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual, and transgender identity. The school board voted in May to add gender identity to the list.
The move angered many parents over what they see as forcing them to expose their children to issues that are not even part of state requirements.
Fairfax County Public Schools wrote a letter to parents in response to misperceptions about the new curriculum.
“Most sections in the FLECAC committee’s report have been a part of the curriculum in past years, with the difference being that many of the instructional objectives now meet the Virginia Dept. of Education’s (VDOE) general Health Standards of Learning,” the board wrote.


 This is New Zealand, but the information from Family First
is very important, please read.


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