Mid-Ohio Valley Week in Review

MOVCAC Week in Review… plus the Story of Issac Martin
November 12, 2021

MOVCAC  Monday Meeting 11/8/21

Melissa from the WV Education Team spoke about the group’s plan to review library and textbooks in the schools. They plan to re-watch Debbie DeGroff’s presentation on books. Candidates for the Wood County School board election, which comes up next year, will be interviewed about their views on pertinent issues. VAX clinics are posted at schools. Parents are encouraged to have the appropriate paperwork to avoid the vax or keep children at home.

The Wellness Team has put together a list of potential emergency needs—nebulizer, pulse oximeter, thermometer, homemade quinine as well as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.  Most of these are available from Wil Spencer. If possible, ask your primary care doctor for a script-to-go for oxygen for emergency use. There is also a Wellness Resource Guide available on the MOVCAC website.

[ Resource Guide ]

Sean Keefe discussed election integrity for WV and announced a canvass of precincts 10 and 77 for Saturday. Participants will look for suspect addresses.

Sean continues his podcasts following the three times weekly covid updates by Governor Justice. He offers comment on the governor’s lack of logic in reporting. CDC will be dropping the PCR tests because of inaccuracy. All of Sean’s podcasts can be viewed on the MOVCAC website. Scroll down to Opinion.  It is reported that Dr. Robert Call at MMH will work with families in prescribing their choice of meds for covid patients. Join Patient Advocate Bulldog on telegram to keep up to date. Dr. John Eck in New Jersey is also a source for prescription meds.

Sean’s news article on West Virginia Ranks 47th in Cumulative COVID Cases and 50th in Cumulative COVID Deaths is an incredible eye-opening report that is not seen anywhere else

Ohio State Representative Ron Ferguson called in and discussed photo ID for voting, a bill that has stalled. The HB227 Constitutional Carry vote will be coming up soon and is expected to pass in both houses. State Representative Don Jones is working on the CRT bill. Glenn interjected that CRT won’t be removed with a bill. It will continue in government schools.  Get your children out of government schools.

Thanks to Sheila Cochrane for her efforts in following progress on bills and communicating with legislators.

US Senator Joe Manchin received our postcards encouraging him to switch to Republican. The postcards were mailed to Charleston and Manchin requested they be shipped to DC.

A member of MOVCAC, Ernest Lee Grady, passed away on October 29. His wife and son were present at the meeting. Members of the group are involved in an attempt to get a patient released from MMH. Pastor Lord offered a prayer for this effort and presented an explanation for the road to covid insanity—illusion, collusion, delusion, and submission.

Another fellow Patriot passed away Sunday, October 25. Karl A.A. Reuther and his wife, Dr. Gale, were huge supporters of MOVCAC. Karl will be greatly missed. His funeral and calling hours will be next weekend.

If we don’t fight, we won’t win.

West Virginia Senator Donna Boley’s monthly meeting will be Friday at Cheryl’s Diner at 10 am. Her guest will be Senator Craig Blair, West Virginia Senate President/Lieutenant Governor.

Wood County Commissioners Meeting – October 28, 2021

Blair Couch opened the meeting reporting that the Union Williams Water Commissioners said that the water company, which provides water for northern Wood and southern Pleasants counties, is having leaking issues and aren’t sure where they are coming from. They stated that they need to have more water meter gauges (possibly 30)  to monitor for leaks. Each meter costs $6,500 and the commissioners asked if they might receive $125,000 from the “Joey Biden Santa Claus money” or the American Rescue Plan money. Blair asked if they had mentioned this problem to Pleasants County Commissioners.

Sheriff Stephens came in to answer questions the County Commissioners might have. Stephens stated he hadn’t heard of any of the supposed complaints about him. Couch stated that he had received a certified letter of complaint and that lawsuits had been filed also. Sheriff Stephens then requested to read his statement—“I come before the Wood County Commissioners to say that I apologize for my past leadership style” and continued to say that he is learning every day going forward about his mistakes and is willing to correct them.

Couch then stated that one deputy sheriff, Tasha Hewitt, had a settlement paid out for harassment. Stephens stated that there are always going to be some people you can’t please for whatever reason.

Couch then said that they feel they need to investigate these matters and were considering four different law firms to have them investigate the sexual harassment lawsuits and the vote of no confidence by 27 sheriff’s deputies.  He asked Stephens which law firm he thought would be the best one and Stephens stated “Goodwin and Goodwin” because he used to be a U. S. attorney for West Virginia.

The sheriff left and the commissioners went into executive session. They came out and stated they were going with Goodwin and Goodwin. Charles Roberts then asked if they chose that law firm because Sheriff Stephens recommended it. Couch said “no.”

Marie Krinock asked if the other three law firms were unqualified. Couch replied, “I don’t have to tell you why.” Robert Tebay then asked Marie “who are you with?” Marie replied, “I’m just a concerned citizen of the county and we’d like to know exactly why you’re making this choice.”

The story of Issac and Cindy Martin’s experience at Marietta Memorial Hospital. This is just a small part of the ongoing story. Remember this could be you or your family…. so Share This.

Free Issac Martin!


Exemption from Vaccination Information

MOVCAC Meeting October 25, 2021

Approximately 190 people attended this meeting. The speaker was Mitchell Marczewski, an attorney from Zanesville, Ohio, who spoke on the subject “Claiming Your Exemption from Vaccination.” Handouts available at the meeting can be found and printed from the MOVCAC website. After the presentation, many had questions for the speaker.

Marczewski said that companies don’t respect the law; thus, we must assert our rights. Make them uncomfortable and don’t give up. Appeal everything. Keep records of everything.  Fill out your exemption forms and mail them regular and certified mail to those in charge. Watch for retaliation from management. “It’s called a lawsuit.”  Under the law, you could be eligible for reinstatement, back pay, and punitive damages.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission may be of help. You can apply online.

“You are guaranteed to lose if you don’t fight.”

“You don’t have freedom unless you have medical freedom.”

If an exemption is granted, then recalled, it is a good lawsuit. Write a letter certified and notify verbally, then follow up with another letter. “This is retaliation.”

[ Exemption Information ]

Patient Advocate Bulldog-Helping to save your loved ones in the hospital and at home

Greater Chicago Area Hospital

We the People Convention


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