If you’re not REALLY Angry, then let me help you with that!


Ohio Citizens PAC
Tom Zawistowski

It is time for us all to face some hard realities. The Constitutional Crisis, that many have been predicting for long before I became involved, and the TEA Party emerged, is now our reality. It is time to stop making excuses or ignoring the facts. In Rules for Radicals Alinsky says “The activist leader must see the world as it is, not as it ought to be.” So, it doesn’t matter if the Supreme Court rulings are legally correct or not, or if it is “right” that McConnell and Boehner lied and got paid for passing TPP, or that Obama is acting illegally or if the Republican Establishment in Ohio is intentionally losing the Photo Voter ID bill in Committee. The reality is that they did it and all that matters is what we are going to do about it.

Make no mistake, we are in a post-Constitutional period. The actions of last week make it clear that, we have no states rights, we have no rule of law, we have no separation of powers, we have no representative government at the Federal AND State level, your vote doesn’t count for a damn, the entire electoral process is rigged, and you don’t live in America anymore. You live in a place where anyone in government, from some flunky building inspector in your town to an elitist Supreme Court Judge, can tell you what to do simply because they said so. They now can literally define common words to mean anything they want them to mean and use the power WE GAVE THEM to force you to comply. There is no equal protection under the law or individual rights, their is only the ruling class and you and I. Attached are the two Supreme Court “Opinions” (below) from last week. READ EVERY WORD. If that doesn’t make you angry as hell then you deserve the fate they have in store for you.

For those who still foolishly believe that these changes will not affect you, make no mistake, this has nothing to do with politics, or marriage, or immigrants, or economics, or global warming or anything else. This is about statists taking away your life, and your children’s lives and your grandchildren’s lives, and treating you like a farm animal or worse. Some of these “secular” communists even want to exterminate you because in their insane mind, you are a virus to their earth “god” or some other such nonsense. Like Hitler, and Lenin, and Mao, and Pol Pot and Castro and now ISIS and all the rest, the individual is nothing, there is only the elitists who wield the power of the state for as long as we allow them to do so.

See the world as it is and admit that this is OUR FAULT. We allowed this to happen. We did not do ENOUGH to stop it and now we must do MORE to make up the difference. So let me ask:

• Are you finally waking up to the fact that if you don’t act to protect your rights that you will lose them?

• Now do you understand that you get what you deserve when you are passive and concede authority over your life to people who are not honorable and do not have your best interests in mind?

• Do you finally understand that your money, your property, your faith, your business, your very life means NOTHING to these people who want to rule you and that if YOU don’t stop them they are going to take it ALL from you?

• Are you finally willing to REALLY support financially, and with your actions, your local TEA Party, the Ohio Liberty Coalition, Ohio Rising, Ohio Conservatives United, the We the People Convention, the Buckeye Institute, our Workplace Freedom Group and the other in-state groups who have been fighting for you for years, with next to no resources, against incredible odds, because you have not supported them?

• Are you ready now to REALLY give to, and work for, the candidates that are worthy, even though the establishment will tell you that they don’t have a chance, just so you will not give them that chance?

• Do you understand why you must run for school board or find someone you trust who will and give them all the support you can until they win?

• Do you understand that you or someone you trust MUST run for the County Central Committee seat in your precinct and then, after winning, endorse candidates that share our values?

• Are you finally willing to speak up to your friends and family who have stood silent like you and explain to them what is really happening and to challenge them to defend their faith, their liberty, their freedom and their future?

• Are you finally willing to tell your Pastor or Priest or Rabbi that, if they don’t start adhering to God’s teachings and demand that your members go to the polls and vote, you will take your money and go to another Church or Temple?

• Are you willing to get off the couch and come to the aid of any of your family, friends and neighbors who stand against the tyranny of the local, state or federal government so that they do not stand alone defending your rights as well as their own?

• Are you finally willing to accept that the “nice” Congressman or Senator in your district is not only the problem but is a liar who has sold you into slavery for their own profit and hold them accountable by throwing them out of office next year!

This is what it is going to take. Everything you’ve got. Everything I’ve got. Everything we can all give to the fight. You need to start fighting as if your life depends upon it because it does. For as Benjiman Franklin said as he was signing the Declaration of Independence “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.” I don’t intend to hang and I don’t intend to stand by and see any of you hang, but I sure could make a long list of Government officials who have betrayed our country and looted our treasury who deserve such a fate.

If you are angered by the contents of this email GOOD. You should be really, really angry. Angry enough start fighting, start acting, start giving, start praying, start taking this seriously because this is serious. We are not owed this incredible life we have been blessed with, men and women like us have died to earn it and protect it. It is time that we do whatever is necessary to do the same for our children and grandchildren.

For Liberty,

Tom Zawistowski

SCOTUS Obama Care Opinion      SCOTUS States Rights Opinion

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