I will not accept 80% – I want 100%
John McAvoy
Toledo Tea Party
I’m tired of the establishment Republicans telling me that if I like 80% of the candidate, then I should jump in and give 100% support – BULL CRAP.
I want 100%. When I hire an employee, we define the job, I don’t want it 80% complete, I want it 100% complete.
When I hire someone to fix my roof, I want 100% fixed, not 80%
When I buy a new car, I don’t want a car that only 80% of the stuff works, I want ALL of the car to work.
I want 100%. When a Candidate runs on a platform, I will not accept 80% performance. I DEMAND 100%
If the Republican candidate says they will give me smaller government, then I don’t want them implementing Big Federal Government programs. I don’t want Obamacare, I don’t want Common Core, I don’t want crony government. I WANT SMALLER GOVERNMENT.
If the Republican says they want responsible spending, Then I want a balanced budget, not a continuing resolution that borrows more money from our children to pay for their pet projects
If they say they are for traditional marriage, then I want to see them fighting for it.
If the party platform says it is pro-life, then I don’t want my representative accepting an 80% reduction in abortions, I want NO ABORTIONS.
Ohio Republican Party has no Platform.
There is no yard stick to measure their performance. How can we hold them accountable to 10, 20 80 or 100%. The Ohio GOP represents NOTHING, NADA, ZERO , ZIP, ZILCH. They cannot be held accountable because there are no standards for them to be measured against.
DEMAND a platform, Make the candidate tell you exactly what they will do and NOT do, HOLD them accountable for 100% of their actions.
Until we DEMAND 100% the candidates that we elect will continue to only give us 80%. – Tell your candidates that you will NOT accept 80% performance.
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