“Don’t Even Think About It”

Message To Republican Establishment

ZawistowskiTomAkron, OH – Tom Zawistowski, President of the We the People Convention, today called out the Republican Establishment, which includes the donor class, elected and non-elected government employees, and K Street Lobbyist, for showing what he called their “true elitist colors” in their panic over Donald Trump. Zawistowski said “This talk about keeping Rubio and Kasich in the race to get to a “brokered convention” where the elite establishment can manipulate the rules and state parties can manipulate the delegates is just suicide for the Republican Party. I have one message for them “Don’t even think about it!” If the establishment uses the convention to deny the will of the people, and force another establishment hack as the nominee, the Republican Convention in Cleveland will look like the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago and the Republican Party may cease to exist.”

Zawistowski concluded, “In their “panic” they are exposed for all to see, they don’t care about America or the people they are paid to serve, they are only concerned with power and money and protecting their own self interest. Trump, and especially Cruz, are a clear threat to the statist ruling class. They are both creations of the TEA Party Movement which has spent seven years educating the American public about the corruption in both political parties and government at every level. Based on that education, the people have now come to take back control of their government, and the elites in both parties have no one to blame but themselves. The incredible turn out in every state by not just Republicans, but Democrats and Independents, crying out for someone outside of Washington to represent them, is a force that will not be denied and they would be wise to stop fighting what the people want and start delivering it. Even someone with an Ivy League education should be able to understand that simple fact.”

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