Covid Killed the Expert Class
September 17, 2023
MOVCAC Contributor: Sean P. Keefe
Doctors go to school for twelve years. They wear white lab coats and carry charts. They live in exclusive neighborhoods and belong to all the right social clubs. They are revered, respected, and idolized. They are supposed to be the best of our society–Brilliant, dedicated, caring people looking only to help humankind live a healthier and longer life.
As P.T. Barnum once said, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”
And boy are we suckers.
Doctors on Ivermectin – “It’s horse-paste. It’s dangerous. It doesn’t work.”
The Science – “It is a Nobel Prize-winning medication for humans. It is safer than Tylenol. It works as an early treatment.”
Doctors on Masks – “They help stop the spread. If you work for us, you have to wear one constantly. Wear two to double your protection.”
The Science – “Masks have never worked against respiratory viruses. Wearing a mask for a prolonged period of time can damage the body. Improperly wearing a mask can exacerbate unhealthy outcomes. Studies show that community masking has no impact on community spread.”
Doctors on Covid – “Be afraid, we don’t understand this virus. Wear a mask. Don’t go to work. Don’t open your business. Don’t go to your mother’s funeral. Don’t change your diet. Don’t get healthy. Don’t vote in person. Go get your vaccines and boosters.”
The Science – “It’s basically the flu with the same symptoms and mortality. Masks don’t work. If you are sick, stay home. If you are immune-compromised, take appropriate precautions. Get physically healthy. Get plenty of vitamin D and exercise. Eat healthier foods and boost your immunity. Probably not a great idea to participate in an uncontrolled medical experiment with mRNA technology that has never been used on human populations.”
Doctors on Vaccines – “They are safe and effective. They stop the spread of the disease. If you take these shots, you won’t get Covid. If you take these shots, you won’t be hospitalized or die. There are no side-effects associated with this new technology. Your natural immunity will not work. Our only hope against this pandemic is vaccination.”
The Science – “The shots cause blood clots. The shots cause myocarditis. The vaccinated can still contract the disease. The vaccinated can still spread the disease. The vaccinated can still be hospitalized and die. The shots have not been tested long-term for adverse effects. The VAERS system has recorded more vaccine deaths than all years combined prior to Covid. Studies show that 1 in 1,000 experience a severe adverse event.”
Covid is the only disease in my lifetime that doctors refused to even try to treat prior to hospitalization. They told presenting patients to go home and come back when they began having trouble breathing. They then put them on a ward where no one could visit. They ignored living wills and powers of attorney. They treated them with Remdesivir, ruined their kidneys, flooded their lungs, and ventilated them until they died – ALONE.
Forgive me if I find the credibility of their profession lacking.
My adult life and education began with an aim at a career in the medical industry. However, I graduated from WVU in 1990 and earned my CPA license in the State of West Virginia in 1994. My entire career has been built on audit skills. Whether it is a business process, business system, reconciliations between systems, implementation of systems, or analysis of system compliance issues; a keen understanding of data observation and analysis is not just helpful, it is a necessity.
That analysis begins on the macro level. One looks at the big picture first to find indicators for where to delve deeper into details.
For instance, if election data were to show that Joe Biden shattered Barrack Obama’s record for total votes in a presidential election by 12 million votes while at the same time data shows he won 37% less counties than Barrack Obama, that might make me wonder how that happened. If that were a business trend discovered by my team and subsequently ignored, I’m pretty sure I and anyone else involved in making that decision would be fired.
Likewise, were I in the medical profession and someone told me that we were in a pandemic, I would assume that we would experience elevated death. However, I would hope that those medical professionals would keep a close eye on that data in order to understand if the processes and protocols they put in place were working. In a DEADLY pandemic, the one thing I would think they would keep a close eye on is DEATH.
West Virginia Vital Statistics 2020 – West Virginia DHHR
Over the last year, we have reported on the excess death phenomenon using data provided by our county clerk. That analysis was reported in this linked MOVCAC article – Excess Deaths in 2021 & 2022 – Who Cares? The following analysis is based on 2020 data (oddly enough, 2021 and 2022 data is not yet available) reported by the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources. The full report can be accessed using the link above.
The following table is from page 41 of the report and shows death for five-year increments between 1925 and 2010 and yearly increments from 2010 through 2020.
Since the first 85 years are five-year increments, we need to convert both the annual and every five-year death numbers to a common denominator that can then be compared. For this, we converted each set to the average annual change amount. This conversion results in the following:
From 1925 through 2010, the number of people who died in West Virginia increased each year by 48.78 deaths (21,278 – 17,132 = 4,146 —- 4,146/85 years = 48.78).
From 2011 through 2019, the number of people who died in West Virginia increased each year by 223.67 deaths (23,291 – 21,278 = 2,013 —- 2,013/9 years = 223.67).
In 2020, the number of people who died in West Virginia increased by 2.817 deaths (26,108 – 23,291 = 2,817).
The difference in average deaths per year in the first 85 years of data vs. the following 9 is concerning and may have a viable explanation. Certainly, population changes would be included in any academic analysis of these trends. For this analysis, we are looking at macro-trends that might indicate a need to dig into the details to explain wild fluctuations. Thus, it is the increase in deaths in 2020 that is alarming. It is alarming even when you remove reported Covid deaths from the analysis.
In 2020, the number of people who died from covid in West Virginia is reported as 1,480.
Source – Page 44 –
If we remove Covid deaths from the total increase of death between 2019 and 2020 we have +1,337 more deaths in 2020 than we did in 2019 (2,817 – 1,480 = 1,337). Our nine-year average increase in death of 223.67 skyrocketed nearly sixfold to 1,337 in 2020 and these deaths are not attributed to Covid.
The Death Summary section of the report talks about suicide, accidental death, and even homicides. However, there is no mention of the increase in the ‘All Other Causes (Residual)’ line.
In the table above, the number of deaths from all other causes in 2020 is noted as 6,016. If we compare this number to the same line reported in 2019, we find an increase of 889 deaths (6,016 – 5,127 = 889).
Source – Page 44 –
The increase in All Other Causes (Residual) of 889 makes up 66% of the total increase in non-Covid deaths in 2020 of 1,337. In just that one line, the increase in death was nearly four times the total average annual increase in death, for all causes combined, the prior nine years!
Four times the average (2011 through 2019) annual increase = 894.68 (223.67 * 4 = 894.68)
Increase in All Other Causes (Residual) deaths from 2019 to 2020 = 889
Why such a catastrophic rise in non-Covid deaths? Why no mention of these deaths in the summary of the report? Why, in one year, did we have a sixfold increase in deaths that are unattributable to the pandemic. Is anyone looking into this? Did these people die due to the protocols put in place for Covid? Are they deaths of despair? Are they deaths of neglect? Are they deaths due to missed doctor appointments? Are these elevated deaths that we will continue to experience in years to come?
It used to be that academics studied these things. Then their studies would be used by the media to prod politicians into acting. Is anyone talking about this increase in death? We already know that death in Wood County increased in 2021 by 18.44%. Is this the case in other counties? Why is death and birth data from 2021 or 2022 not yet available from the Department of Health and Human Resources?
Although the DHHR has not reported on West Virginia deaths since 2020, the CDC has a data set for provisional death numbers by week. The chart below shows that total deaths in WV never exceeded 24,000 until 2020. Our total death appears to have taken a big jump in 2020 and remained elevated ever since.
Source –
Every business is required to close their books and report on complex business processes within months of their year-end. Even governmental organizations are required to report on their financial results within months of their fiscal year-end. Are we supposed to believe it takes years to count the number of annual deaths and births in our state? What are they hiding? All indications are they are hiding an ever-increasing population of death.
Total West Virginia Death as reported by the CDC:
Year Total Deaths Increase Over 2019 (Pre-Pandemic Year)
2019 – 23,291
2020 – 26,108 2,817
2021 – 28,665 5,374
2022 – 26,939 3,648
Perhaps living in a state with over 1.5 million residents these numbers look inconsequential. What’s a couple thousand deaths per year in such a large population? And that appears to be the trick they are trying to use. However, we must look at the rate of increase to understand the magnitude of this catastrophic rise in death.
In the following comparisons, we are looking at the increase in death as compared to the total deaths reported in the last pre-pandemic year of 2019. It would do us no good to compare 2021 deaths to an already elevated 2020 year. If we only compared year-over-year death totals, the difference between 2022 and 2021 would appear as a decrease, when in actuality it is a 13 times increase over pre-pandemic average rate of increase in deaths.
The average increase in annual deaths for our state ran at 223 more deaths each year for nine years prior to the pandemic year of 2020. In 2020 our increase in deaths rose by a factor of 10. In 2021, when removing 450 deaths assuming the average annual increase of 223/year, we have 22 times the average increase in deaths (223 * 22 = 4,906). In 2021, again removing 625 for the average annual increase, we have 13 times the average increase in deaths (223 * 13 = 2,899).
The point here is that our state’s average annual death growth rate has multiplied by 10 in 2020, 22 in 2021, and 13 in 2022. Who has been held responsible for this massive maladministration? One would argue that Covid is the cause. Yet, we see in 2020 that only 52% (1,480) of the increase in deaths for that year (2,817) is attributable to Covid.
In 2021, one could attribute all of the increase in deaths to Covid since the CDC shows that total West Virginia Covid deaths as of January 1, 2022 was 5,761. If we subtract the 2020 Covid deaths, we get total 2021 covid deaths of 4,281 (5,761 – 1,480 = 4,281).
Covid deaths data source – deaths_select_54
If we believe what these numbers are telling us, then our medical institutions got worse at treating Covid in 2021 and 2022 than they were at treating it in 2020 when it was such a shocking virus. Or maybe the experimental mRNA technology that was rolled out into the entire population had an impact on the incidence of Covid. One would think some brainiac institution would be studying this phenomenon.
Perhaps an institution of higher learning right here in West Virginia would study this rising death phenomenon. Then again, it was our flagship educational institution that was helping the governor establish the protocols and procedures that would be used to mitigate the pandemic. Why would WVU and Clay Marsh study ever-increasing deaths when it was his institution providing the recommendations for those protocols and procedures.
Jim Justice is asking the citizens of West Virginia to allow him to represent them in the United States Senate. Jim Justice has presided as Governor over the largest increase in death in the history of our state and his annual report on death addresses it with a yawn. His administration has done nothing to understand this increase in death other than to bemoan this dag-gone pandemic. His administration has done nothing to help West Virginians to become healthier other than to bribe, coerce, and facilitate that population’s inclusion in a medical experiment.
I don’t know why our government is so silent in the face of this catastrophic increase in death. I don’t know why our medical community is not addressing it. I cannot tell you why our media is refusing to tell us what is happening to our population. None of it makes sense. These are the numbers our state is willing to tell us about. What are the numbers they are trying to hide?
This same report shows that births always outnumbered deaths in our state up until around the year 2000. Deaths finally eclipsed births around 2010, and deaths have been outpacing births at an increasing rate ever since.
Source – Page 41
Who in our government is focusing on the increasing deaths in our state? Where is our government? Where is our media? Where is our medical community?
We should demand more from those responsible for governing our society.
We should demand more from those responsible for informing The People.
We should demand more from those responsible for caring for the health of our community.
If we don’t demand more from these community leaders, then we are all a bunch of suckers, and we deserve exactly what we get.
I know many of us have been sounding the alarm. Many of us have stood when so many have been silent. I hope, in the end, there will be enough of us so that our epitaph as a civilization does not read:
They came for the elderly, and we said nothing. They came for the weak and infirmed, and we said nothing. They came for the drug-addled and indigent, and we said nothing. They came for the children, and we said nothing. When they came for us, there was no one left to say anything.
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