Where is the “Ethics” Committee

Conservative HQ
By Tom Zawistowski


We are calling for Congress to immediately disclose the names and details of all sexual assault cases involving members of Congress for which $15 MILLION IN TAXPAYER DOLLARS have been spent on settlements since 1997.  The demand for disclosure comes after Representative Jackie Speier (D-CA) disclosed in House testimony that the Office of Compliance had paid out settlements in over 200 cases against lawmakers since 1997 for all claims the office covered for racial and religious discrimination and sexual harassment.

Anthony Weiner

Zawistowski said, “It is incomprehensible to American taxpayers that a sitting member of Congress, or their senior staff, could sexually harass or even assault someone, let alone people employed by them, and not be held accountable by leadership by being thrown out of Congress and/or paying with their own money for any settlement they worked out with the victim.

This is so wrong on so many fronts. Where is the “Ethics” Committee?  Where are  Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer? Are they not enabling these sexual predators by guaranteeing that they will not be identified and then telling them that even if found guilty they will not have to pay for a settlement? We find it rich that these same people are calling for Roy Moore to step down in Alabama, when none of the charges against him have been proven, while at the same time they are paying out settlements for other members of Congress who clearly were proven guilty as charged for sexual harassment or assault. Talk about the height of hypocrisy.”

Zawistowski continued, “We are writing to all members of the Ohio Congressional Delegation today, Republicans and Democrats, demanding that they push leadership to immediately release the names and details of all of the sexual assault cases in which settlements were paid by the OCC, and to disclose if they or any of their staff have been involved in these cases. We are demanding that Congress immediately end this program, including the requirement that accusers attend counseling after making charges and the use of taxpayer dollars to pay settlements. We demand that Congress implement the same rules that corporations are required to implement in their Human Resources Departments and that any member of Congress found to have committed a crime by HR, such as rape, be referred to the police. When is Congress going to get the message that We the People will not allow our elected officials to place themselves above the law and misuse our tax dollars for their own personal benefit? We demand equal justice under the law and we will not settle for anything less in this case and all the other criminal activity involving Congress and those who work in Government and in the DC Swamp.

Disclose the names and details NOW!” 


Tom Zawistowski
President of the We the People Convention
Executive Director of the Portage County TEA Party

[email protected]







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