Where Do YOU Stand With Judge Roy Moore?
We The People
By Tom Zawistowski
I am writing today to discuss a very important topic and to give a call to action that I ask you to take today. The quote (below) by Saul Alinsky is being used again today, as it has been for decades, to attack YOU and we must not allow them to continue to succeed. The most glaring example of this is what is going on in Alabama with Judge Roy Moore. This clearly politically motivated attack on Judge Moore violates our values and our strong belief in justice as Americans.
“Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.”
Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals
While the left always forgives the most vile among them for whatever they do – “Bill Clinton can rape multiple women but as long as he was for Abortion he get’s my vote!” However, they then turn to you and suggest that as a Conservative and a Christian that you can only support people who are saints. If one of our candidates or elected officials have ever done ANYTHING wrong in their entire lives, you must abandon your support for them immediately or you are a hypocrite or worse! This is insane and is a psychological ploy intended to undermine your Conservative and Christian beliefs – but all to often we take the bait.
Christian beliefs are what we aspire to and we know that none of us can fully achieve them. We know that we are inherently flawed and we are taught that God will forgive our sins and that we must forgive others. Yet we get bullied into forsaking people who we know are good people because of something they once did in their life that was wrong. Let me be clear, if a 14 year old were accusing Roy Moore of molesting her last month or last year, that is something else entirely, but that is not what is happening here.
The concept of statues of limitations goes all the way back to the ancient Greeks in Athens and for good reasons. If a citizens has been aggrieved, it was believed they should make the accusation as soon as possible and demand justice. If they did not, then the harm done was obviously not significant enough to require civil or legal relief. Furthermore, a statue of limitations is set to protect the rights of the accused as well, since a prolonged delay in making accusations or bringing suit, significantly denies them of witnesses and evidence that could be used in their defense. That is what they are doing to Judge Moore. Clearly, these charges from 40 years ago violate this important concept of equal justice under the law.
Furthermore, this trap was set intentionally, at this specific moment, to make sure that Judge Moore has no access to a “fair trial” either in court or in public opinion. For clowns like Mitt Romney to say “Innocent until proven guilty is for criminal convictions, not elections” is not what most American’s believe. Fortunately, the people of Alabama have more common sense and wisdom than everyone in Washington and New York combined. They have seen this act before and they aren’t buying it. They are standing with Judge Moore whom most of them know personally.
The very idea that these charges are brought by the Washington Post which has been proven wrong over and over and over this year with scandalous accusation after scandalous accusation, usually put out on a Friday, brings these charges into serious question. Then to find out that it took six meetings with the primary accuser to convince her to come forward, tells me that this victim was manipulated. The fact that their story is so well told does not give them credibility but instead reminds me of the Rolling Stone Duke Lacrosese story which was also so well told and also completely false. The Washington Post is going to make it sound good because they will do ANYTHING to defeat us – including making up lies!
Now, I trust you to reason this out and make your own decisions. I have made up my mind and I will stand with Judge Roy Moore. I am asking you to donate NOW to his campaign, because the establishment ruling class, like John McCain and Jeff Flake and Mitt Romney, are cutting off any funds for Moore’s campaign in an effort to make sure that he loses. As we learned long ago in the TEA Party Movement, the ruling class “Republicans” would always prefer to have a Democrat win than to have to deal with a true Republican that they can’t control. So Judge Moore is fighting the Democrat candidate, the alt-left media, AND the “Republican” Establishment and we need to help him win!
Please click on this link and Donate to his campaign today.
Please also take parts of this email and post it on your social media to support Judge Moore in the court of public opinion. Please forward this email to anyone you know who may be conflicted on this issue.
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