“What do we do now?”

Guidance on Issue 1 and 2 –
More Reasons to Put Your Name on the Ballot in 2018
by Tom Zawistowski


Last Sunday I sent you an email asking “What do we do know?”  In that email, I asked you to do two things:

1)  Run for County or State Republican Central Committee. Ann Becker and the Republican Leadership Caucus are heading up our Precinct Project for 2018 and they are already hosting conference calls and putting together support staff to help people run in their county for Central Committee. Contact Ann at this email or signup to run or help recruit others to run at this website.

2) Put your Name on the Ballot in 2018. Go to this website: YourNameOnTheBallot.com It will tell you everything you need to know to get on the ballot for any office and if you really want to go after the seat, it gives you a ton of resources to help you run a campaign!

I want to expand up on both points today and provide some guidance on Issue 1 and Issue 2 which will be on the ballot this November – 2017:

First, the Primary in 2018 is scheduled for May 8, 2018, so the filing deadline for the Republican and Democratic primary will be 4:00 PM on Wednesday, February 7, 2017. So, you have plenty of time to look at the races in your area and pick one to put your name on the ballot. 

Now, Ohio House Member Wes Goodman was kind enough to provide a list of the huge number of open seats in the Ohio House and Senate in 2018.  I list them below by County. We need to recruit people to run for every one of these seats:

Open Ohio House Seats (2018 cycle)

HD-6 – Anielski (R-Cuyahoga)
HD-7 – Patton (R-Cuyahoga)
HD-10 – Patmon (D-Cuyahoga)
HD-12 – Barnes (D-Cuyahoga)
HD-13 – Antonio (D-Cuyahoga)
HD-19 – Gonazales (R-Franklin)
HD-21 – Duffey (R-Franklin)
HD-33 – Reece (R-Hamilton)
HD-37 – Roegner (R-Summit)
HD-40 – Henne (R-Montgomery)
HD-44 – Ashford (D-Lucas)
HD-45 – Fedor (D-Lucas)
HD-48 – Schuring (R-Stark)
HD-50 – Hagan (R-Stark)
HD-55 – Manning (R-Lorain)
HD-56 – Ramos (D-Lorain)
HD-61 – Young (R-Lake)
HD-67 – Brenner (R-Delaware)
HD-75 – Clyde (D-Portage)
HD-80 – Huffman (R-Darke, Miami)
HD-83 – Sprague (R-Hancock, Hardin, Logan)
HD-84 – Faber (R-Auglaize, Darke, Mercer, Shelby)
HD-86 – Pelanda (R-Marion, Union)
HD-90 – Johnson (R-Adams, Lawrence, Scioto)
HD-91 – Rosenberger (R-Clinton, Highland, Pike, Ross)
HD-95 – Thompson (R-Belmont, Carroll, Harrison, Noble, Washington)
HD-98 – Landis (R-Holmes, Tuscarawas)

Open Ohio Senate Seats (2018 cycle)
SD-3 – Bacon (R-Franklin)
SD-5 – Beagle (R-Darke, Montgomery, Miami, Preble)
SD-11 – Brown (D-Lucas)
SD-13 – Manning (R-Huron, Lorain)
SD-15 – Tavares (D-Franklin)
SD-19 – Jordan (R-Delaware, Franklin, Knox)
SD-23 – Skindell (D-Cuyahoga)
SD-27 – LaRose (R-Stark, Summit, Wayne)
SD-29 – Oeslager (R-Stark)
SD-33 – Schiavoni (D-Columbiana, Mahoning)

As you can see, there are Republican and Democrats who are “termed out”. You only need 50 signatures to run for State office plus an $85 filing fee, so it is not a great challenge to get your name on the ballot. Plus, if you are serious about competing for these State offices, and I hope you or some good conservative you recruit is, you can compete for a House seat for as little as $30,000 in the smaller counties.  Otherwise, just collect the signatures and pay the $85 fee to get your name on the ballot and see what happens on election day! We need to do that for all Ohio US Congressional seats as well!

Let me also tell you something VERY IMPORTANT that I left out of last weeks emails. For the first time in decades, the Ohio Republican Party is NOT going to pick winners and losers before the election. They are actually going to let the voters decide who the Republican Candidate will be for each office in the General Election!  What a concept!!! Actually letting the voters decide who they want to represent their party in the November election!!! You can all give a huge THANK YOU TO JANE TIMKEN for that because our new Ohio Republican State Chairwomen actually believes in fair elections!!! Whether you choose to run for Congress, State Central Committee, or State House, or State Senate, you will actually be treated fairly by the party and the ORP will not spend millions of dollars attacking you, your family, your dog, and everyone else you ever knew in your life with lies to make sure that “their” chosen candidate wins like they have done in the past! Now I am not saying that some of the RINO candidate you run against will not do that, but that is why you need to run against them to make sure they don’t get into office!

Ok, now some guidance on the two ballot Issues you will be voting on THIS NOVEMBER.

First on Issue 1, I have researched it and I can find no reason that I would not vote for it. Basically, it is all being paid for by a billionaire named Henry Nicholas who’s sister Marcy was murdered by her boy friend. Without any notice that the murder had been released by the police, Henry and his mother were confronted by him in a store when they thought he was in jail. The person was later convicted, but Nicholas just thought that it was crazy that the victims of crimes and their families did not have some of the same rights as criminals did. So, he has paid to have this Amendment put on the ballot in several states including California, Wyoming, South Dakota and others where it has passed every time. The only people who oppose the Issue are some attorneys and prosecutors who feel it limits their ability to negotiate plea bargains and those who want to shorten jail terms which they think are already too long. I am going to vote Yes on Issue 1 because I often feel that we forget the victims of crimes and focus only on the treatment of criminals. Issue 1 adds some balance to victim’s rights.

On Issue 2, I have to vote NO.  Greg Lawson from the Buckeye Institute was kind enough to give us these bullet points:

  • This policy is essentially one embracing price controls.
  • Issue 2 says Ohio can pay no more for drugs than the Federal VA.  However, the price controls the VA embraces have led to a smaller formulary of drugs than is available even to Medicare.
  • Only half of VA formulary are generics, almost 100% of Medicare Part D are generics.
  • Ohio Medicaid already has a series of rebates for the drugs it covers, thus making the net savings articulated by supporters likely far smaller than advertised.
  • May force litigation to force the VA to open up the costs they pay (when they currently negotiate privately with manufacturers).
  • Since 2/3 of Ohioans aren’t covered by state run programs, this initiative could lead to the diffusion of cost onto them as manufacturers seek to make up any lost revenues.  In other words, very likely to increase costs for most Ohioans.
  • It would be better to let state departments of Medicaid band together to increase their bulk purchasing and negotiating power than  a strict mandate as envisioned in Issue 2.
  • Dennis Kucinich supports.
  • Bernie Sanders supports.

The bottom line is that it will most likely raise the cost of prescriptions for most Ohioans if it passes and I can tell you that, like many of you, Nan and I can’t afford our prescriptions now!  So we will both be voting NO on Issue 2!

I hope this information will be helpful to you. Please share this email with your email list. Don’t forget that we have a lot of Township Trustee and School Board races on the ballot this November, so start looking at those people and supporting those who you feel are most conservative. Then be sure to visit www.YourNameOntheBallot.com and research how you can put your name on the ballot in 2018!


For Liberty,
Tom Zawistowski
Ohio Citizen PAC






 Facebook Pages and Groups for You to “Like and Share” 

Marietta Oh 9-12 Project
Guernsey County 9-12 Project
Noble County 9-12
Monroe County-9-12
Morgan County-9-12
Muskingum County 9-12 


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