We Got Duped

Understanding now…WE GOT DUPED  Part one of two.


American Family Association
afa Journal
BY Ed Vitaliano




Twenty-eight years ago, a researcher in neuropsychiatry and an expert on public persuasion convinced Western culture that wrong is right.

For Christians who are paying attention, the culture has shifted under their feet and is becoming unrecognizable. The America of only a decade ago no longer exists.

In terms of human sexuality and gender, for example, the so-called “Gay Pride” and transgender movements seem everywhere ascendant. How did this happen, and what should Christians and churches do?

The how of this cultural transition is easier to grasp. Between the inception of the homosexual civil rights movement in 1969 and the outbreak of the AIDS epidemic in the early 1980s, the gay and lesbian community saw little progress in altering the way most Americans saw homosexuals.

However, there were brilliant minds within that community, fashioning a blueprint for change. In 1985, two homosexuals, Marshall K. Kirk and Hunter Madsen, wrote “Waging Peace: A Gay Battle Plan to Persuade Straight America.” Written for the now-defunct homosexual magazine Christopher Street, the article was expanded into an important book four years later. Titled After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the ‘90s, it was controversial within the gay and lesbian community because it criticized then-current, failed strategies among homosexual activists.

It called for a clear shift to something different. Rather than continuing to try to gain the sympathy of a politician here or there, Kirk and Madsen boldly admitted their intent to manipulate American sensibilities by using pro-homosexual propaganda. They advocated using television, radio, the mainstream press, and the power of advertising to get their message out.

“At the core of our program is a media campaign to change the way average citizens view homosexuality,” they said.

The goal was to enter the living rooms of the average American, especially via television, and propagandize them. Kirk and Madsen said TV is “the most graphic and intrusive medium for our message. In everyday life, intrusiveness is considered impolite; but not in public communications, where nine-tenths of the challenge is simply getting people’s attention….[T]elevision is the most cogent medium, combining sight, sound, and motion to make new pictures to vivid that they can displace the old.” (Emphasis in the original.)

What messages would Americans see and hear as the propaganda reached them? After the Ball advocated portraying homosexuals as victims of bigotry, while vilifying Christians who opposed the movement. Who can doubt that, for the last three decades, those drums have been beaten steadily?

“Coming out” as homosexual

One of the key tactics in their tome was the use of the “coming out” moment in the life of a homosexual. For example, October 11 of this year is designated “National Coming Out Day.” For the gay and lesbian community (LGBTQ), it is a day for proudly announcing to the world one’s sexual and/or gender nonconformity.

According to the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest homosexual lobby group, NCOD began in 1988 “as a reminder that one of our most basic tools is the power of coming out.”
Tools to do what? As it turns out, NCOD is about more than just individual proclamation. It is also a strategic step in the campaign to conquer Judeo-Christian views on human sexuality, marriage, and family. 

“Every person who speaks up changes more hearts and minds, and creates new advocates for equality,” says HRD on its website.

While many, if not most, Christians are disinterested in the homosexual movement, the people all around them have been increasingly convinced by decades of propaganda to embrace homosexuality as a normal, natural, and healthy variation of human sexuality. The culture is also being rapidly convinced that Christians who disagree with these sentiments are, indeed, villains.

Power of propaganda
The changes have been dramatic. For example, according to Gallup, public opinion on homosexual marriage has almost completely reversed itself. (See chart.) In 1996, only 27% of Americans favored the legalization of same sex marriage, while 68% opposed it. By 2017, the numbers had flipped—64% were in favor, with only 34% opposed.

Americans have rather speedily absorbed other aspects of the pro-homosexual message. For example, in 2001, Gallup asked respondents about the morality of “gay or lesbian relationships.” A clear majority (53%) thought such relationships were morally wrong, while 40% said they were morally acceptable. This year, Gallup found numbers indicating a complete reversal: 63% said homosexual relations are acceptable, with 33% disagreeing.

On no subject was the power of propaganda more impactful than the issue of what causes homosexuality. In 1977, 13% said gays and lesbians were born that way; 56% said it was environmental; and 14% said it was a combination of both factors. Last year, the numbers indicated that Americans had clearly begun changing their minds: 46% answered born that way, 33% said environment, and 12% said both.

The high visibility of gays and lesbians in the media has led to an interesting, although not unexpected, phenomenon. While studies have consistently shown the homosexual population in the U.S. to be just over 2%, Gallup tried to measure Americans’ perceptions of the size of the gay and lesbian community. Amazingly, 53% of Americans thought that homosexuals made up 20-25% of the population or even higher. In fact, only 9% correctly answered “less than 5%.”

In terms of public opinion, there is at least one issue that still reveals a fairly even divide—the question of which bathrooms transgendered individuals should use. This year Gallup found that, by a three point margin (48-45%), Americans thought transgendered individuals should use the bathroom corresponding to their birth (biological) gender, rather than their self-identified gender.

America’s flip-flop—For decades, Gallup has been polling Americans on their views on a host of critical cultural issues, including homosexuality. The is clear: Propaganda efforts have changed public opinion in favor of gay and lesbian activists.

Nevertheless, there might be a slight trend developing even at this early stage of the growing controversy. Gallup’s 2017 results indicated a rapidly shrinking margin for the traditional view, as 2016’s poll showed a 10-point margin (50-40%) for those who said birth gender should be the determining factor.

Kirk and Madsen boldy admitted their intent to manipulate American sensibilities by using pro-homosexual propaganda.

These trends pose a serious challenge to Christians who will increasingly face a culture—including family, friends, and co-workers—that rejects a biblical view of sexuality, marriage, and family. How should Christians respond? What should parents tell their children, and what should pastors tell their flocks?

The body of Christ can start by paying attention to what is happening around them. And if they’ve been ignoring these powerful movements until now, start paying attention.
Gays, lesbians, and transgendered individuals are coming to a family—and a pew—near you.


Next month: What should Christians do? 









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