The Unexpected Defeat of Bill Clinton’s Wife

by Jim Mullen 

The sudden and generally unexpected defeat of Bill Clinton’s wife, dealt a staggering blow to the far left, and spawned a fringe-element coalition of anti-American extremists unrivaled in U.S. politics. Academia, Hollywood, the New Socialist Democrat Party, and the entire mainstream media reacted with vengeful loathing of anyone or anything American.

President Trump absorbs the brunt of the attacks, however, the very mention of the Constitution, liberty, American culture, Christians, or law and order, results in unrelenting attacks on traditional Americans by the lowest form of political animals; racists, hate-filled lowlifes, and liberal bullies. Primarily these anti-Americans are Democrats overwhelmed with uncontrollable rage by Donald Trump’s stunning victory.

The new Democrat Party is not our father’s or grandfather’s party. It was hijacked by the most corrupt and despicable groups of communists, Marxists and progressive socialists.

Multiculturalism, social justice, war against police, white people, and against the very foundations upon which America was established, were their battle plans for upheaval. Race hustling animus, hateful rhetoric against businesses, the Constitution, the founders, and capitalism were only the beginnings for the Fascists.

Dictators know the simplest path to power; create crises where none exist. Accomplishing this is as simple as separating the country into warring factions of rich against poor, dividing everyone by race, gender, religion and anything causing friction.

Leftists universally hate everything for which President Donald Trump stands. He is an entrepreneur, a freewheeling capitalist, an American-first patriot, a Christian, and Republican conservative. He talked straight to Middle America and aroused the nation’s patriots to stand against the eight years of Marxist policies by Barack Obama. Little wonder President Trump is so universally despised and ridiculed by Democrats and other tyrants.

More than anything, the fringe elements of anti-Americans fear the real possibility that President Trump will successfully seize power from the clutches of leftists, and bring America back as the once bright beacon of prosperity and liberty. America didn’t become the greatest country in the world through Marxism.

The daily barrage by the mainstream media of hit pieces on President Trump is relentless and brutal. Incredibly, they made it their mission to inflame, not to inform. Visceral hatred for anything traditionally American culminated in the bastardization of journalism, and the media plummeted into yellow journalism and “sliming.”

Every ghetto in the nation is an ugly, open-sore reminder of what happens when people cede control over their lives to Democrats whose infamous open-mindedness allowed all their common sense and moral decency to evaporate.





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