The Statistics Do Not Lie! Welfare Is the Best Paying Entry Level Job In 35 States!

August 5, 2014 by Dave Hodges     

A sign that says " exit 5 3 7 welfare ".

There are 35 states in this country in which it is better to accept welfare than work at an entry level job. Much like crack cocaine or heroin addicts, much of our nation is hopelessly addicted to living in the welfare state. This has real implications for the emotional and even spiritual health of our nation. The most distressing aspect of the present economic conditions we find ourselves mired in, is the fact that we are allowing our young people to have their dreams and their very sense of hope stolen away from them. Fear monger, naysayer, doomsday proohet are terms ascribed to people who dare to criticize the existing economic system and speak about the real implications for our people. I dare the most liberal of you to read the following facts, engage in your own fact checking and then not to be able to conclude that the American dream, for most of our people, is dead and buried.

The Average American Is Taking a Beating

A table with the states ranked by their price.

It is not just our nation that is taking a beating, our individual financial situations in this country has grown to a crisis level. America is no longer just in a depression. We have entered third world status, a kind of permanent depression, if you will. Yes, we have skyscrapers and modern technology, but only the elite control these resources and the average American’s standard of living is in a state of economic free fall.


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