Teaching Children To Respect Sin

by Linda Harvey, WND.com
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A few weeks from now, a star-studded fundraiser will be held in Beverly Hills. It’s called the “Respect” Awards, and its sponsor is GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network.

And like most of what GLSEN does, this too is “fake news.” A seat at this gala costs $1,000. The major sponsors include the Walt Disney Company, Wells Fargo, YouTube, Samsung and Target.

Yet how can any informed, concerned person or corporate executive who cares about children buy the idea of “respect” for homosexual behavior and gender confusion? The harm being done by this organization is deep and wide.

The damage will, in many cases, last forever.

Yet our children are being taught in school after school, because of the programs and promotion of GLSEN and its co-laborers in depravity, to “respect” sin.

For instance, did any of the kids in your family recently participate in “Ally Week” at school?

Hopefully not, but too many Christian students are being railroaded into going along with the manipulative message of this sexual immorality week.

Ally Week is a propaganda effort directed toward vulnerable schoolchildren by GLSEN. This radical group has been pushing schools for about 10 years to weave this “No Child Left Uncorrupted” observance into anti-bullying programs, co-opted by implied endorsement of perverse “LGBTQ” identities.

More and more schools send the message that non-homosexual students must become “allies” and condone these behaviors among peers and teachers – i.e., “support” those tragically drawn to conduct called an abomination in Scripture. Kids who memorize Bible passages on Sunday morning are told on Monday at school to cheer on their peers who dive intentionally into sin.

It’s exactly the opposite of the will of God. Approval of sin is itself a sin, and we need to make sure our kids understand the gravity of such affirmation, as they are tempted to be “tolerant” because schools, media and some self-declared believers hold this up as the new moral low ground.

And where does this leave students who are mistakenly identifying as “gay” or “transgendered”? These kids desperately need to have rebels in their midst, those brave enough to defy the prevailing narrative. Minus this truth, these troubled kids accept that they were probably born this way.

It’s another of Satan’s lies, and as we know, the enemy loves to destroy children.

Here’s what the apostle Paul wrote in Romans 1, after naming both male and female homosexuality as “vile passions” that are “shameful,” about people immersed in sin:

“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting … who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them (Romans 1:28, 32).”

Nodding “yes” to another’s ongoing lifestyle of sin is gravely sinful. All humans sin and deserve eternal death, but Jesus provides a way to reconciliation through His blood. But too many not only scorn His mercy, but keep on sinning and even applaud others who do so.

Ally Week is usually observed in the fall, although a few schools defer until winter. Activities originate with on-site homosexual clubs, groups which should not be meeting in the first place, but most schools are stuck with them as well as observances like Ally Week because of veiled threats by the ACLU and other legal protection.

Some teachers incorporate Ally Week into lesson plans. GLSEN has a whole range of suggested ungodly activities. For instance, true “allies” must ask about pronoun use and adhere to whatever confused and linguistically challenged demand they get. GLSEN even sells “pronoun buttons” for homosexual/transgender clubs in Peoria, Little Rock and Kalamazoo to distribute. The groups also provides “Ally” bracelets and rainbow stickers.

And, a true ally will “… correct others if they hear someone being misgendered.” If someone calls a boy, a boy, instead of honoring his delusional fantasy of being a female, “allies” will be sure to affirm the lie.

Some material prepared for Ally Week is not simply radical and sin-filled, but fulfills the requirements of Common Core.

A video for Ally Week produced by the extreme San Francisco production company Groundspark is called “Straitlaced: How Gender’s Got Us All Tied-Up.” Educators can show the video to meet assessment standards tied to the controversial Common Core while spewing sexual anarchist propaganda.

But a significant number of both the gender-confused and the homosexually inclined are self-destructive. One recent study in Scotland showed that virtually all “trans” students and 60 percent of “gay” identified youth had harmed themselves in one way or another, an indicator of mental illness, not a minority group suffering discrimination. These kids need help, not encouragement to engage in harmful behavior.

During Ally Week the homosexual club members often set up cafeteria tables to recruit allies who are asked to sign a pledge. Should any Christian sign a pledge to “support” these deviant behaviors? No.

Bullying is the vehicle for sympathy used in many schools. No Christian wants another person to suffer harm, but approval of “LGBTQ” sin does not keep kids safe. We can all oppose bullying without signing pledges or otherwise condoning immoral conduct. True safety is found in the truth of Jesus Christ, and He never affirmed sodomy or the pretense of sex change.

Yet in too many classrooms today, a Christian worldview is actively scorned, and you will be hated for standing for the truth of Christ.

Short of removing children from these deeply corrupt environments, what can we bring to the table as a workable challenge, since not all Americans are Christians? How can we approach child spiritual endangerment at school in a lawful way?

It’s really a constitutional issue of religious freedom. Parents who find this objectionable should initiate lawsuits.

Let’s get to work, folks, and show our schools what true “respect” looks like.







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