Republicans for Johnson-Weld
GOP/e front group to fund Gary Johnson to defeat Trump.
“Vote for Johnson is a Vote for Hillary”
It is no longer rhetoric. It is their new strategy.
Activists from across the country today launched Republicans for Johnson-Weld, an effort independent of the Johnson-Weld campaign, designed to boost support for the ticket as well as down-ballot Republicans in view of the disastrous choices on offer this year from the two major parties.
Kevin Martin, former chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus of Massachusetts and small business owner, and Ed Lopez, former national vice chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus and a former member of the national campaign at Young Conservatives for the Freedom to Marry will co-chair the initiative, with support from highly regarded Republican strategists Marco Nunez, Jr. and Liz Mair.
Nunez served on the George W. Bush and John McCain presidential campaigns, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s gubernatorial campaign, and at the Republican National Committee. Mair served as the RNC’s first and only online communications director, and has advised US Senator Rand Paul, Governors Scott Walker and Rick Perry, and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina on communications.
“Republicans for Johnson-Weld is a grassroots effort committed to exercising our constitutional right and obligation as Americans to express our voice through the ballot box by supporting Republican candidates seeking elected office locally, regionally and nationally,” said Martin. “We will do our part to ensure the Johnson-Weld ticket is included on all 50 state ballots and included in the presidential debates, and to make sure that voters of all stripes, but especially Republicans, understand they have an alternative to voting for either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.”
“The way we see it, we are supporting the most Republican ticket on the ballot,” said Lopez. He emphasized that the “combined gubernatorial experience of the Johnson-Weld ticket as well as their fiscally conservative records and inclusive governing styles are most reflective of what the majority of Americans are desperately looking for in their leaders.”
Nunez cites the unusual nature of this election cycle as central to his decision to sign on to the effort. “I felt called to make a stand in support of the Republican Party and its core principles of individual freedom and limited government. In this election, that means supporting Johnson-Weld along with Republicans down-ballot.”
“I have long said that I can support neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton, on the grounds that neither sufficiently shares my philosophical principles, on the basis that I consider it highly likely that one or both will end up wearing an orange jumpsuit sooner or later, and because both present very serious risks to our national security,” said Mair. “The Johnson-Weld ticket offers the opportunity to vote for people who more closely share my and most Americans’ views on core areas of policy, and to vote for two experienced governors free of the ethical and legal issues plaguing Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Gary Johnson’s success as an entrepreneur is the cherry on top, in a time when for too many Americans, the economy still feels stagnant and the American Dream too elusive.”
Republicans for Johnson-Weld’s steering committee includes these high-profile Republican leaders:
Martin Avila, CEO of Terra Eclipse and former Digital Campaign Director to former Rep. Ron Paul;
Moira Bagley Smith, former communications director to Sen. Rand Paul and multiple members of House GOP leadership;
Julie Germany, Interim Executive Director of the White Coat Waste Project and former COO of Generation Opportunity;
Mason Harrison, head of communications for Crowdpac and former strategist for the campaigns of Gov. Mitt Romney and ex-Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina;
Jon Henke, former adviser to US Sen. Fred Thompson, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and former Sen. George Allen;
Dawson Hodgson, former member, RI State Senate and former Rhode Island State Prosecutor;
Cyrus Krohn, former Republican National Committee e-Campaign Director;
Michael Melendez, former leader of Young Americans for Liberty in Utah and Utah State Central Committee member;
Lyle Stamps, attorney, former White House staffer, and leader of Latter-day Saints for Bush during the 2004 election cycle;
Michael Turk, President of Opinion Mover Strategies, and former Republican National Committee e-campaign director;
Luke Williams, New York Times and USA Today best-selling author, Vice President at AECOM;
Dan Winslow, former Chief Legal Counsel to MA Gov. Mitt Romney, and former member, MA House of Representatives; and
Keith Velia, finance industry leader, Republican Liberty Caucus of Connecticut Treasurer, Ridgefield Republican Town Committee Associate;
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