Never Trump means only one thing: Always Hillary!
by R. G. Yoho
In this election season, a large number of Conservatives, good and honest ones, climbed aboard this “Never Trump” bandwagon.
Never Trump!
I don’t claim to know the origin of this slogan, but I do not in any way believe it was started by Conservatives.
In fact, it’s quite possible the phrase was started by America’s prosperity parasites, those which can be defined as illegal aliens who have no desire to assimilate or to contribute anything beneficial to our nation, the dolts who know or care nothing about our country’s history or traditions, and the notorious pack of whiny anarchists supporting Bernie and Hillary.
Perhaps it was created by our good friends at the GOP Establishment, those who falsely claim to support our causes during every off-year election if we just give them a majority. However, as soon as the polls close, the results are counted, and they win the crucial chairmanships of these vital committees, they cast us aside like Bill Clinton does the victims of his sexual abuses.
And once again, like Lucy pulling away the football from Charlie Brown’s attempts to kick it, the McConnells, Ryans, Grahams, Romneys, and Boehners of this world quickly return to business as usual, enlarging their power, enriching their wallets, and actively moving forward the Obama agenda.
Never Trump!
Nobody ever said anything like this when Bob Dole, John McCain, George H.W. Bush, or Mitt Romney ran for office, although there were certainly many Conservatives who held their noses while casting votes for these phonies.
And do you know why?
“Never Trump” wasn’t started by those in the Conservative movement, but it was gladly adopted by many who claim to be.
When I was growing up, my parents used to tell me, “Never say never.”
It was sound advice then; it still is today.
Never is a really long time.
But a lot of fine people said it anyway. And at the same time, they foolishly left themselves no honorable way out.
Now that their candidate has been soundly beaten by a man they never envisioned winning, they suddenly find themselves torn between their ideas of honor and their fears for out future.
These are the good, but misguided ones.
Not wanting to make liars of themselves, they find it difficult to admit the foolishness of their own words and to ultimately rally behind a man who is now our ONLY chance to slow down America’s headlong rush for the ash heap of human history.
However, there is also another class of Republicans out there, those who also claim to be conservative, but their actions in this campaign are once-and-for-all proving their pious claims to be as fraudulent as their so-called love for the Constitution.
These are the RINOs, the rats within our own ranks, men and women who are so drunk with their own sense of power, they would gladly relinquish the liberty of their constituents and pledge their allegiance to Hillary, if it would ultimately maintain their image and prestige among the Washington elite.
Never Trump, this is their rally cry.
Anything to preserve their power!
If Hillary Clinton becomes the President of the United States, then I guarantee that she will so soundly tamper with the election process, then it is certain that NO Republican—conservative or GOP Establishment favorite—will ever successfully defeat her bid for reelection, much less hope to occupy the Oval Office in the foreseeable future.
Our Second Amendment rights will become the first casualty of the Hillary regime, an act of tyranny that will soon to be followed by the abolishment of our First Amendment rights and the wholesale shredding of our Constitution.
Moreover, with her appointments to the Supreme Court, there is absolutely no chance that ANYTHING she does will ever be overturned by the federal courts.
And unless they choose to officially become Democrats, the whiny losers and promise breakers such as Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, and John Kasich can kiss their political aspirations goodbye.
Never Trump, you say.
And, please, don’t you dare lecture me on your adherence to conservative principles!
Where were those precious conservative principles four years ago, when you said nothing as you cast your vote for Mitt Romney?
Mitt was a man who ruthlessly destroyed his more conservative challengers in the primaries, but could find absolutely nothing about a Far-Left liberal like Barack Obama which he might criticize in his campaign for the Oval Office.
Moreover, how could Mitt credibly oppose Obamacare since he also instituted his own version of Romneycare as Governor of Massachusetts?
Never Trump?
How about, “Never Mitt?”
No, it was not conservative principles that led these soundly-defeated primary challengers to oppose Donald Trump.
Instead, theirs were the typical actions of political elitists, ones who fail to keep their campaign promises and have deliberately attempted to thwart the will of the people.
Never Trump!
If those words lead to the election of Hillary Clinton, then Never Trump will also mean that America will be Never Cruz, Never Marco, Never Kasich, and Never Jeb.
Never Trump means only one thing: Always Hillary!
This is, without question, the most important election of our lifetime.
Liberty is at stake and the United States is on the line.
And I’m sick and tired of hearing people say that we are choosing between the lesser of two evils!
Although Donald Trump may not be everything you want in a candidate, he is definitely not evil. The same cannot be said for Hillary Clinton; we know she is.
This is not a vote for the lesser of two evils; we already have that in Washington.
This is ultimately a vote to stop evil from continuing for another four years.
Evil triumphs when good men do Never Trump!
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