MOVCAC – You Are the Liberty Tree
MOVCAC Contributor: Sean P. Keefe
September 6, 2024
When discussing the founding of our nation, we must remember that those who wished to stand up to the tyranny of King George III were considered rebels against the British Empire. At the time, Britain was the superpower of the world. Speaking out against British rule was a dangerous business that often ended in poverty and death. Of the fifty-six signors, many lost two of the three treasures they pledged:
Life, Fortune, and Sacred Honor
Back then, X and Facebook were not the town square. The area in the middle of the town was the town square. People met and challenged each other’s ideas with argument and debate. A century-old Elm tree lent shade to Patriots in pre-Revolutionary War Boston debating the direction of their new society. This tree became known as The Liberty Tree.
If you are paying attention at all, the following words from President Ronald Reagan ring truer today than when he uttered them:
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
In a civilized society words and ideas are ammunition. It is by sharing both good and bad ideas that the best ideas percolate to the top.
We no longer meet in physical town squares. Our arguments and debates have moved to social media and the internet. With each passing day, we find ourselves falling further into the abyss of censorship. Our new town squares are created and maintained by rich and powerful Oligarchs. Jeff Bezos owns both Amazon and The Washington Post. Mark Zuckerberg owns Facebook. Elon Musk owns Tesla, SpaceX and X. Google owns internet search and YouTube.
Under the Liberty Tree, Patriots understood the need for free speech. They knew that their best chance of convincing their countrymen that freedom and liberty should be the foundation of their new nation was through their ideas – not at the end of a barrel. Of course, they also knew that emancipating themselves from King George’s tyranny would require a less civilized form of persuasion.
In the absence of our Liberty Trees, we find ourselves in a world where a former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich under Bill Clinton has no fear of patriots as he opines on the methods that should be deployed in order to suppress the speech of users.
Elon Musk is out of control. Here is how to rein him in – The Guardian August 30, 2024
I encourage you to read the article and to research the banning of X in Brazil, the banning of Rumble in France, the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov in France, or the entire saga of Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Notice that Facebook and YouTube are not being harassed by these same governments. Might that have something to do with Mark Zuckerberg’s letter to Jim Jordan where he admits that Facebook caved to the Biden regime and censored truthful information, including joke memes? Is YouTube spared this persecution because they were more than happy to censor election integrity discussions, vaccine injury discussions, or biological facts about men and women?
Can you even imagine someone standing in the middle of the town square telling Patrick Henry that he was not allowed to speak about his ideas regarding liberty? In fact, I’m pretty sure the second amendment was created by those patriots to ensure the preservation of the first amendment.
Robert Reich, in the article linked above, spends a lot of words being mad at Elon for supporting Donald Trump. He then misrepresents so many things it’ll make your head spin. As an example, Mr. Reich describes a video Elon shared as follows:
“Musk reposted a faked version of Kamala Harris’s first campaign video with an altered voice track sounding like Harris and saying she doesn’t “know the first thing about running the country” and is the “ultimate diversity hire.” Musk tagged the video “amazing.” It’s had hundreds of millions of views, so far.”
Doesn’t his description of Musk’s misinformation sound dastardly? What Mr. Reich wants to punish Elon for is called parody or satire. Newspapers all over the country publish political cartoons. Should they be similarly punished? Should comedians who are inherently anti-government be punished? Mr. Reich longs for the days of King George when men were subjects to the regime. I dare say that Mr. Reich would have gleefully cheered the hanging of rebels like Patrick Henry.
There are no Liberty Trees anymore and trusting any electronic form of communication in today’s world is a fool’s errand. We must return to the days of personal interaction. At MOVCAC, we believe it is imperative that patriots meet face-to-face without any electronic medium acting as a buffer. We must return to the process of allowing all ideas to be shared. I remember when the vast majority of Americans agreed with Voltaire’s sentiment when he said:
“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
We must again become a nation of informed citizens. We must pay attention and stand up for those beliefs we hold in reverence. Our founders were courageous enough to fight the world’s superpower to ensure Liberty and Freedom would have a home. In a world where former cabinet secretaries feel comfortable denigrating and making punishable rights given to us by God and enshrined in our Bill of Rights, we need more Liberty Trees. We need more patriots. We need MOVCAC.
And We Need You!
Sean P. Keefe can be reached at [email protected]
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