MOVCAC – Wood County WV Board of Education Ignores Democratic Process

November 7, 2024
MOVCAC Contributor:  Sean P. Keefe

If you thought that the Democrat Party circumventing the democratic process to install Kamala Harris as the Democrat nominee was a uniquely national shenanigan, you are going to love this story of the Wood County WV Board of Education (BOE) completely ignoring the will of the people.

Many may not remember or be aware, but Chad Conley ran in the primary earlier this year to fill the seat vacated by Debbie Hendershot’s resignation.  The rule on the board is that no district can have more than two members at a time.  When Ms. Hendershot resigned, the BOE received advice from the Wood County Prosecutor and County Clerk that they should fill the board seat from the same district where Ms. Hendershot was elected so they would not adversely affect the 2024 election.  Instead, the BOE appointed Rick Olcott from district C.  Since Chad Conley was from district C; and the board, after the appointment of Rick Olcott, now had two members from that district Chad could no longer win the seat in the 2024 primary.

Chad then ran in the 2024 general election to fill the unexpired term to which Mr. Olcott had been appointed.  That campaign was unsuccessful as the preliminary election results below show (official once canvassing is completed sometime after November 10th):



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