MOVCAC – Why Are We Ignoring Excess Death?
Article Update April 8, 2024
This article has been updated to correct issues with the gender/age tables. / April 2nd, 2024
Sean P. Keefe / MOVCAC Contributor
Have you noticed how programmable people are? When the BLM riots of 2020 were occurring, we were told they were “Mostly Peaceful.” Then, when January 6th happened, we were told it was the worst thing to happen to our country since the Civil War. Kamala Harris told us how proud she was of Jacob Blake after he resisted arrest, reached for a knife, and was shot by police. Kamala Harris promoted the Minnesota Freedom Fund which paid for violent criminals to be released from custody. After January 6th, people who just happened to walk into the Capitol became targets of the FBI and DOJ. Exculpatory evidence is proven to have been withheld by not only prosecutors but by the Congressional January 6th committee.
When Donald Trump told us there was a crisis at the border, our media giants told us he was a xenophobic authoritarian. Do you realize what millions of illegal aliens mean to the future of your children and grandchildren? Do you realize that our debt is growing at a trillion dollars every hundred days? Do you realize what that means to the future of your children and grandchildren?
Do you realize that Joe Biden’s Whitehouse proclaimed Easter Sunday “Transgender Day of Visibility?” And we wonder how it can be that our own legislature refuses to address strap-on dildos, anal butt-plugs, and gender madness material being made available to our children in government-run schools and libraries.
In West Virginia, we are supposed to be Wild and Wonderful. Yet here we are, the most docile and uninformed society in world history. Instead of fighting to protect our children, our borders, our culture, or our God-given rights – we binge Netflix, football, basketball, and eat ourselves into a diabetic future. We live in a post-sanity society.
I am old enough to remember when staggering estimates of death forced our society to shut down completely. We used those estimates to determine who was essential and who was not. We used those estimates to fear-porn the sanity right out of our society. When I say we, I mean our media, medical, and political classes. They told you to be afraid. They told you to stay home. They told you to wear a mask. They told you to take a medical experiment.
The evidence told us that this disease affected the old and sick. What did we do? We closed schools, made children wear masks, put covid patients in nursing homes, and mandated a brand-new medical technology on perfectly healthy people.
And we have normalized excess death.
We are ignoring the deaths of our families, friends, and neighbors.
The following charts are a reminder that your leading Senate candidate and current Governor presided over more deaths in West Virginia than any other governor in our state’s history – and it’s not even close:
Data Source 1925 – 2020 – WEST VIRGINIA VITAL STATISTICS 2020
2021 – 2022 –
From 1925 through 1995, annual death in West Virginia meandered between a low of 16,464 in 1945 and a high of 20,128 in 1995. From 1995 to 2019, annual deaths slowly grew to over 23,000. In other words, it took roughly 95 years for our annual death to grow from 17,132 in 1925 to 23,291 in 2019. An easy calculation tells us that in 95 years our annual death increased by a total of 35.95%. Our population during that same time span went from 1.5 million in 1925 to a high of 2 million in 1950 and landed at 1.78 million in 2020.
I point all that out to emphasize the growth in death from 2019 through 2022. As expected, our total in 2020 rose dramatically to 26,108 for an increase of 15.3%. Being the year of the pandemic, no one should be surprised by this increase. However, using the 2019 pre-pandemic year as a baseline, we see that this excess death is not only sustained but continued to grow at astounding rates.
The chart below shows the percent change in death totals since 1925 in 5-year increments until the pre-pandemic year of 2019. Then, each year subsequent to 2019 is compared to the pre-pandemic total.
Data Source 1925 – 2020 – WEST VIRGINIA VITAL STATISTICS 2020
2021 – 2022 –
It used to be that our professional class studied these things. Government reports were issued and academic institutions, think tanks, and media organizations analyzed and explained the data to the public. I would say that back when we lived in a sane society, an increase in death over the pre-pandemic year of 15.3% (2020), 26.9% (2021), and 21.9% (2022) would have been a five-alarm emergency.
Now? No one even talks about it.
They locked us down, lied to us, stole our wealth, changed our society, and killed us. And here we are just taking it like the obedient peasants we apparently are. Wild and Wonderful, indeed.
The trends are the same in Wood County. Our county clerk, Joe Gonzales, continues to provide detailed death data. The following charts will discuss death specific to Wood County.
Am I the only one who finds it strange that 2021 saw the highest death totals while 2022 has the second highest? If you look at the charts for total WV deaths, these same two years lead our state’s death totals.
This trend of excess deaths continues to be present when looking into detailed age/gender data in Wood County. For this analysis, we will look at specific age/gender categories focused on 2021 deaths. As you can see in both the WV and Wood County totals, 2021 had the highest death totals. I have my own ideas for what may have caused this dramatic spike in death in 2021. For this analysis, I wish to emphasize that regardless of cause these deaths have occurred amidst a deafening silence from our political, medical, and media classes. Again, these are only the details for Wood County. The DHHR has yet to release their vital statistics report for either 2021 or 2022.
In the 45–54-year-old female category, 49 deaths were recorded in 2021.
This represents an increase of 44% over the next highest total of 34 occurring in the 2020 pandemic year.
In the 65–74-year-old female category, 143 deaths were recorded in 2021.
This represents an increase of 33.64% over the next highest pre-pandemic total of 107 occurring in 2017. Just as alarming is that each of the years after the pandemic year of 2020 are higher than any of the previous six years.
In the 25–34-year-old male category, 28 deaths were recorded in 2021.
This represents an increase of 40% over the next highest total of 20 occurring in 2016.
In the 55–64-year-old male category, 138 deaths were recorded in 2021.
This represents an increase of 27.78% over the next highest total of 108 occurring in 2019 and an increase of 46.81% over the pandemic year of 2020.
In the 65–74-year-old male category, 178 deaths were recorded in 2021.
This represents an increase of 20.27% over the next highest total of 148 occurring in 2020. In addition, each year from 2020 – 2022 is greater than any year prior to the pandemic.
In the 75–84-year-old male category, 189 deaths were recorded in 2021.
This represents an increase of 13.17% over the pre-pandemic high of 167 in 2019. And again, each year from 2020 – 2022 is greater than any year prior to the pandemic.
In summary, the detailed death data for Wood County shows that 4 of the 9 female age ranges and 5 of the 9 male age ranges experienced their highest death total in the year 2021.
Something weird definitely happened in 2021 and 2022. There should be a number of public institutions researching and reporting on this normalization of excess death. We all know that the Covid pandemic affected mostly older and sicker people. Excess deaths caused by the pandemic should have caused future death totals to decline since many of the older and sicker Covid casualties occurred in 2020. In addition, we introduced an experimental medical technology that everyone said was safe and effective. That too should have reduced future excess deaths.
Instead, we find our society experiencing a higher level of death than ever in our history. Why is no one questioning this normalization of excess death? Perhaps because we have been programmed not to be upset about it.
- The TV is not telling us to be upset.
- Our politicians are not telling us to be upset.
- Our medical community is not telling us to be upset.
I will end this analysis with the same chart shared earlier in this article. I cannot help but wonder what the reaction would be if our electric bills, water bills, or mortgage interest rates experienced the same meteoric rise as our excess deaths in West Virginia.
Only you can prevent Democide!
If our government wishes to kill us off with barely any attempt at hiding it, and we as a free people accept this through our acquiescence to their protocols, rules, and mandates that result in these deaths; I guess we have volunteered to be members of their death cult.
I pray that we as a people rise up and throw off the totalitarian chains of these democidal maniacs and institute a new government that actually reflects the Constitution as written and allows our country to again be the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!
Sean can be reached at [email protected]