MOVCAC Week in Review 9/30/2022
Marietta Meeting September 26, 2022
A disgusting family-friendly drag show was held at Parkersburg Shrine Club. It was described by those who attended a protest, and a video of the event was shown. Approximately 20-30 children were present and groomed and enticed by Disney characters. Children were encouraged to touch the performers and give tips to the groomers. It was a three-hour show on Sunday that met with very little resistance. Churches ignored the event. Alcohol was served. All the drag queens were adults. Thanks to the MOVCAC members who attended and gave eye-witness accounts.
The Wood County Library levy is on the ballot. This levy should be defeated. The library recently celebrated Banned Books Week September 18-24. This propaganda event is sponsored nationally by the American Library Association. Books found in Wood County Library along with Williamstown, Waverly and South libraries include “Gender Queer” and “Sex is a Funny Word.” They are displayed for any age youngster to pick up and read. Another book found was “This Book is Gay.” These books are not on the top shelf or hidden in the corner. A child with an adult can take out any of these books.
West Virginia has an amendment on the ballot giving the legislature oversight of the State School Board. West Virginia is 45th in the nation for poor quality education.
A federal lawsuit has been filed in Ohio stemming from LGBT Badges worn in the classroom by teachers. It is part of the NEA guide for “I am here” program. It is a resource guide for LGBTQ information. The QR code takes the student to the information.
- D. Vance will be featured at the Washington County Republican Party Reagan Day Dinner on October 21 at 5:30 pm at Marietta College. Ted Cruz will also speak at the dinner. Tickets are available at [email protected].
Tore Maras, Independent candidate for Secretary of State, was successful in getting her name on the November ballot. She faces Republican candidate Frank LaRose and Democrat Chelsea Clark. Maras claims her candidacy represents 75% of Ohio voters who identify as independents or unaffiliated. Yard signs and palm cards were available to attendees. LaRose had ruled that Maras did not have enough valid signatures to be on the ballot, but this was overruled by the Ohio Supreme Court.
Janet Folger Porter from Faith2Action gave a rousing presentation of her years of work and endurance on the Heartbeat Bill that is now a law in 14 states. She challenged attendees to take up the next Heartbeat bill called “Child Protection Parental Rights Bill.” Janet will work with a local person to push this bill to finalization. Porter suggested that the recent Roe vs Wade decision by the U. S. Supreme Court: “Curse Over America Broken.” Eighteen states are now abortion free. We must never give up. Fifty political opponents have faced FBI raids. She introduced a document entitled, “The America First Contract.” It was put together by PAC members. The contract included issues such as Life, Liberty, Security, Education, Fiscal Responsibility, Energy Independence, Secure Borders, Voter Integrity, Jobs, and Free Expression. The document was available for all attendees. We are presently witnessing the deliberate destruction of America.
Former Councilman from Parkersburg discussed how petty misdemeanors are sending J6 prisoners to jail while felonies are being ignored by the radical left.
The Liberty Ship will be across from Lowe’s in Vienna for voter registration from 11 am to 4 pm on October 8.
Check the October calendar for calls to action by attending scheduled outings with MOVCAC members, including board of health and library meetings. We must do the leg work to be successful in saving our country.
The back table held the events calendar, Chart of Consequences defined for Ohio Supreme Court races, and the Washington County Republican Party flyer for October 21. Also available were books and information by Janet Porter.
This is What YOU Can Do to Win the November Elections!
by: Tom Zawistowski
We the People Convention
Do you want to know how important the Ohio Supreme Court Elections are to YOU? How about if we lose even ONE of them – the Heartbeat Bill will be gone and Ohio will allow Abortion up to the time of Birth!!!! (Pay attention to the Hamilton County Court Stay on the Heartbeat Bill.) How about if we lose even ONE of them – ALL the recent Gun Laws in Ohio will be overturned and declared un-Constitutional by a corrupt Supreme Court! If we lose EVEN ONE SUPREME COURT SEAT – the Radical Democrat Judges will completely NEGATE every law the Ohio Congress and the Governor attempt to pass to stop the forcing of Anti-American Critical Race Theory indoctrination and deviant sexual indoctrination of our children through our schools and ALL Government agencies!!! We can not allow the Democrat Communist to win even ONE SEAT! Do you see NOW why these Supreme Court Races are CRITICAL?
Where is the Ohio Republican Party supporting these Supreme Court Justices? Where are the TV Commercials and mailings? In 2018 the Republicans LOST two Supreme Court seats that we should have won because then ORP Chairwoman Jane Timken gave all the ORP funds to help Mike DeWine narrowly win the Governors Race. Has current Chairman Bob Paduchick done the same in 2022 to the detriment of our state? Has the ORP given all it’s donations to DeWine AGAIN? Do they have a campaign funded to elect these Supreme Court Judges? Where is it with just 42 DAYS BEFORE THE ELECTON?
As always, we can’t count on the Ohio Republican Party to do what is best for Republican Voters, we must protect our Liberty OURSELVES! The good news is that for the first time party affiliation will be listed on the ballot for Supreme Court and Appeals Court Judges – but not local judges. This will certainly make a difference in the votes of those who have no idea who the conservative judges are and who are not. However, we can not rely on that alone to win these races. We must inform our fellow citizens before the election so that they know which judges are going to protect their values. So, please share this email with everyone you know because it is REALLY IMPORTANT to our Liberty!
As I said at the beginning, the time for talk is over, the time for Action is NOW! Losing ANY of these races in Ohio is unacceptable. Action doesn’t mean just voting this time. Action means Volunteering to hand out literature and put up signs for ALL these Candidates. Action means sending money to help Majewski and Gilbert win. Action also means, joining the WTPC and the NRA-ILA to win these key races in Ohio AND in other states in November! Click here to learn more and sign up!
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