MOVCAC – Ohio Excess Death Mirrors West Virginia

July 5, 2024
MOVCAC Contributors
Sean P. Keefe and Jeff Smith

My first article about excess death in West Virginia appeared on the MOVCAC website on August 25, 2022 (Wood County WV Total Death Up 38% in 2021 and 2022).  Since that time, I have written several follow-ups.  I focused on West Virginia because that is my home, and I thought that analyzing a small state would provide a very clean and easy-to-understand picture of the excess death being experienced in most of Western society.  The data is public and very straight forward.  The phenomenon is not complicated – people die, and we count them.

In this article, we will introduce a new unit of measure.  I cannot help but compare these deaths to those that occurred on September 11, 2001.  On that fateful day, 2,977 innocent humans perished at the World Trade Center, in an open field in Pennsylvania, and at the Pentagon.  As a result of those deaths, our country went to war in both Afghanistan and Iraq.  We spent trillions, lost thousands of American warriors, and killed countless innocent Middle Easterners in an attempt to wipe out terrorism.  If we are willing to go to those lengths for 2,977 deaths, should there not at least be a public reaction to excess deaths amounting to many multiples of the innocent humans lost on 9/11?

The following chart shows the total deaths for Ohio since 2015.

Data Source – Data Ohio

As you can clearly see, Ohio annual total death NEVER reached 130,000 prior to 2020.  In the prior five years, the highest total was reached in 2018 at 127,620.  That total grew to 147,235 in 2020 for an increase over the pre-pandemic year of 2019 of 16.05%.  These 20,359 extra deaths over the 2019 total equates to 6.8 times the deaths from September 11.  In 2021, total death increased to 151,464.  That increase of 24,588 deaths (over the pre-pandemic year of 2019) equates to 8.2 times the deaths from September 11.

To better visualize, the chart below compares the increase in Ohio death in 2020, 2021, and 2022 over the pre-pandemic year of 2019 with the total deaths from September 11.

When looking at the change in death from 2015 through 2022 (comparing 2020 through 2022 to the pre-pandemic year of 2019), we see a catastrophic rise in death.

In the prior five years, Ohio never saw a change in total death reach 5%.  However, in 2020 we saw a 16.05% increase.  One may try to explain this away using the pandemic.  But then, how do we explain an increase in 2021 of 19.38% over the pre-pandemic year of 2019?

Adding to this conundrum, the charts for West Virginia appear very similar.

Data Source 1925 – 2020 – WEST VIRGINIA VITAL STATISTICS 2020

And the chart showing the change in West Virginia deaths (with 2020-2022 compared to the pre-pandemic year of 2019) again appears very similar.

I cannot stress enough that this is public data.  You can use the links provided and analyze the data for yourself.  Don’t get bogged down in the details.  For a period of time people died in Ohio.  That number ranged from a low of 120,985 in 2015 to a high of 127,620 in 2018.  Those numbers exploded to a high of 151,464 in 2021.

Are these excess deaths associated with Covid, drug overdoses, cancer, suicide, mRNA experimental shots, or accidents?  A detailed review is necessary to determine that.  The point here is that both Ohio and West Virginia saw similar catastrophic rises in excess deaths beginning in 2020, with that year’s excess death only being eclipsed by 2021.

Where are the investigations in Ohio?  Where is the media reporting in Ohio?  Where is the alarm amongst the medical community in Ohio?

I cannot answer those questions.  I can only report to you the data that your government is publicly reporting.

What I can tell you is that this excess death is unprecedented and not limited to Ohio and West Virginia.  If you would like further details on excess death in Western Society, I suggest you look at the research by Ed Dowd in the United States and Dr. John Campbell in the United Kingdom.

The Numbers Don’t Lie: Excess Deaths—Ed Dowd – UK Column – December 7, 2023

Vaccine reanalysis and excess deaths – John Campbell YouTube – June 2024


Does it seem to you that perhaps we are managed as a society by narratives only to later find out that those narratives were backed by no data at all?

Masks are mandatory
Vaccines are mandatory
Safe and effective
Follow the science
Dr. Fauci loves you
The CDC loves you
The FDA loves you
The vaccines saved lives

In fact, during Covid we were told that one death was too many.  We were told that in order to save lives we had to close businesses, schools, sporting events, beaches, outdoor dining, free speech, and scientific discussion.  Some balked at these changes to our society, but most complied.

In 2020, Ohio death increased by 20,359 over the total from 2019.  Of those, only about 14,000 were blamed on Covid.

Even if we remove covid deaths from the 2020 excess, that still leaves 6,183 excess deaths in Ohio.  This is a 48.73% increase over the largest increase in death in any of the prior 5 years.

Do you realize the choice that our society has made?  In life, we sacrifice in order to achieve desired outcomes.  What we have shown above proves that our society would rather sacrifice humans at the altar of economic gain, than to understand and mitigate the cause of this horrific loss of life.  We have decided to close our eyes, ears, and mouths hiding catastrophic death in order to not upset the societal apple cart.

I don’t know how much longer I can keep writing about these deaths.  We seem to live in a society that has forgotten how to think for themselves.  The man who told us “…our patience is wearing thin…” when speaking about the unvaccinated could barely speak coherently in the debate last week.  He is the guy who has presided over more death in our states than any other president in history.  He has shown himself to be a lifeless puppet of those truly in charge.

Biden message to unvaccinated: ‘Our patience is wearing thin‘ – BBC September 9, 2021

Then again, if we can accept a puppet running our country, I guess we should accept it when the policies put in place by that puppet end up killing us.


September 11, 2021   –             2,977
2020 Ohio Excess Deaths –    20,359
2020 WV Excess Deaths –         2,817

2021 Ohio Excess Deaths –    24,588
2021 WV Excess Deaths –        5,443
2022 Ohio Excess Deaths –    14,745
2022 WV Excess Deaths –        4,309

In the list above, the only year where one of our states’ excess deaths was less than the deaths we experienced on 9/11 was 2020 in West Virginia.  How angry were you in 2001? 
Why are you not angry today?



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