MOVCAC – Assassinations & Democide
July 17, 2024
Sean P. Keefe
MOVCAC Contributor
Did you ever get caught with your hand in the cookie jar with crumbs all over your face? How hard did you lie even though you knew, and the person you were lying to knew, that you were lying through your teeth? Don’t look at the crumbs! Don’t smell my breath! Don’t listen to those witnesses who saw the act! Look at my eyes. Would this innocent little kid lie?
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
George Orwell, 1984
There seems to be a lot of 1984 going around:
Cleanest election of all time
Barack Obama won 69.5 million votes in 2008 (setting the record for votes in a presidential election), while winning 27% of all counties in the United States. In 2020, Joe Biden shattered that record with 81 million votes while winning only 17% of all counties in the United States.
Jan 6 – worse than 9/11
On January 6, 2021, an uncontrollably-large group of Second Amendment enthusiasts were so bent on overthrowing the government that in their zeal they forgot to bring guns to their insurrection. They continue to lie about law enforcement deaths on that day and never mention the Trump supporters who lost their lives.
Defending democracy
Volodymyr Zelenskyy has banned the Russian Orthodox Church, shut down opposition parties, imprisoned journalists, killed American Gonzalo Lira in a Ukrainian prison for reporting truth, and suspended elections, not to mention that Donald Trump was impeached because he wanted the Biden shenanigans with Burisma investigated. Then as soon as Biden becomes president, we begin sending billions of dollars to the most corrupt country in Europe where it cannot be tracked or audited. Hmm, Joe Biden sends billions of dollars to the country where his crackhead son was paid $87,000 a month for a no-show job with an energy company.
Follow the science
Our government, medical, and media establishments told you Ivermectin was for horses, natural immunity was a myth, masks stop viruses, vaccines are developed at the “speed of science,” the Covid vaccine stops the virus from spreading, and that published and highly-credentialed doctors were disinformation spreaders.
Safe and effective
They told you VAERS was an unreliable source for evaluating vaccine safety. They told you that climate change was causing heart attacks. They told you that the cold was causing heart attacks. They told you heat was causing strokes. They told you that myocarditis and other adverse events were rare. They told you that doing your own research was dangerous.
Walls don’t work
When Donald Trump was in office, we were told that his alarm about the border was racist and fear-mongering. The Biden regime continually told us that the border was secure. We have been reassured constantly that native-born Americans are not being replaced. Over 85,000 children processed at the border have gone missing.
They keep telling us that our own eyes, ears, and brains are lying to us. They have taught us to follow narratives instead of evidence. Why wouldn’t they? It sure seems to work.
Their stolen election gave us a demented puppet, inflation, energy dependence, a failed currency, and a world war.
Their January 6 rhetoric allows them to demonize MAGA extremists.
Their money laundering in Ukraine has given us instability in Europe and Asia.
Their lies about Covid closed the economy, killed businesses, changed how our society functions, and introduced the need for experimental mRNA injections.
Their safe and effective campaign has not only introduced catastrophic excess death, but it has normalized it.
As the Cloward-Piven strategy proposed, overwhelming all of our society’s resources with an invasion of illegal immigrants is a great way to destroy a country.
I point all of that out only to illustrate that what they are doing is not a secret. For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, you know these things are not only true, but obviously true.
On Saturday, July 13, 2024, a lone gunman was able to climb onto a roof a mere 150 yards from the stage where President Trump was speaking. It is being widely reported, and much video evidence exists to prove, that numerous rally attendees watched as the “shooter” climbed up onto the roof with his rifle clearly exposed. These attendees notified police, and it is being reported that one police officer even climbed the ladder and confronted the “shooter,” but left the roof when the “shooter” aimed his rifle at him.
One does not need to be a special ops guy or secret service veteran to know that nearby rooftops are the best place for a sniper to get a clean shot. Are we now so stupid that we think the Secret Service forgot to secure nearby rooftops? Are we so lost in our narratives that we believe that the police who confronted the “shooter” didn’t know to contact the Secret Service and get the President off the stage?
We may not have fully bought the Warren Commission’s findings on President Kennedy’s murder, but we have certainly moved on without holding anyone to account.
We have never been given a reasonable explanation for how three planes were allowed to be hijacked and flown for an hour and no military jets ever intervened or approached to impede their reaching New York or the Pentagon. We have never been given a plausible explanation for the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7. I think I would be suing the builder if a fire in a building hundreds of feet away caused my steel skyscraper to collapse.
There is only one reason no one was on that roof Saturday. There is only one reason a twenty-year-old carrying a rifle could get within a couple of hundred yards of President Trump. There is only one reason that the counter sniper team did not fire until several shots were fired by the “shooter.”
The people who stole your country gave you inflation, destroyed your dollar, allowed an invasion at our southern border, are expanding NATO up to Russia’s borders while calling Russia the aggressor, and poisoned you with an experimental mRNA injection are the same people who left President Trump exposed to a “lone gunman.”
All of those things don’t happen by accident. It’s a plan that ends in the destruction of our country and the codification of tyranny.
In our last article on excess death (MOVCAC – Ohio Excess Death Mirrors West Virginia), we showed that the State of Ohio is reporting that over 147,000 Ohioans died in 2020, over 151,000 Ohioans died in 2021, and over 141,000 Ohioans died in 2022. In the prior seventeen years, Ohio annual death grew from a low of 108,987 in 2007 to a high of 127,260 in 2018. In other words, it took twenty years for Ohio death to increase by 20,000. In 2020, it took one year for Ohio death to grow by 20,000 and one year later it grew by another 25,000 (when compared to the pre-pandemic year of 2019).
We have done extensive reporting on West Virginia excess death and will show another analysis below, but I want to point out that if we take the excess death from Ohio from 2020 through 2022 (20,359 + 24,588 + 14,745 = 59,692) and the excess death from West Virginia for the same years (2,817 + 6,114 + 3648 = 12,579) and add them together (59,692 + 12,579 = 72,271), we have enough excess death from just two states to fill every seat in Cleveland Browns stadium!
Data Source Ohio –
Data Source WV – 2010 – 2021 DHHR Vital Statistics 2022* CDC Weekly Provisional Death by State
Just looking at those tables should bring alarm to every human in both of our states. Yet, the sound of excess death silence is deafening.
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.”
Albert Einstein
Welcome to my insanity. I have been writing about excess death since the summer of 2022. I truly believed once people saw the data, investigations would begin. Below is another look at WV excess death by age. I have done this analysis previously on Wood County detailed death data provided by our County Clerk Joe Gonzales (MOVCAC – Why Are We Ignoring Excess Death?). The Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) finally released their vital statistics report for 2021 and their statewide data confirms the age-range excess death we found in Wood County. This report includes a table where age-ranged death is listed.
West Virginia DHHR Vital Statistics Reports – 2011 – 2021
Using the link above, you can access all of the vital statistics reports published by DHHR since 2011.
The data presented in the charts below was gathered by accessing each of the vital statistics reports from 2011 – 2021 and using the data supplied in the Summary Totals West Virginia Resident Deaths. The table number for this may differ from year to year but the name is consistent. Below is an example from 2021:
I compiled the Age at Death data (bottom left corner of the above table) from each of the 11 available reports. The tables and charts below show the total number of deaths by the age specified for each year since 2011:
When comparing 2020 and 2021 to the pre-pandemic year of 2019, we find that the deaths of 25 – 34-year-olds increased by 19.69% and 25.29% respectively. For comparison, the largest change in death from 2011 through 2019 for this age group occurred in 2016 when death rose from 413 to 478 for a 15.74% increase. Please note that that increase occurred after three straight years of declines in this age group.
Again, when looking at 2020 and 2021 compared to 2019, we find that deaths for 35 – 44-year-olds increased by 25.54% and 49.57%. How can we be ignoring this catastrophic increase in working-age deaths?
Since 2011, this age range never experienced an increase or decrease in death greater than 7%. All of a sudden in 2020 and 2021, deaths increased by 17.15% and 41.84% when compared to 2019. How is it possible this democide of working-age West Virginians is occurring amid a complete media, political, and academic blackout? This should be leading every evening’s local news broadcast and should be the topic of every political campaign.
Again, 2020 and 2021 experienced an increase in deaths of 9.04% and 32.15% respectively when compared to 2019. The 2021 increase is almost 10 times the size of any of the pre-pandemic increases for this age range.
All of our lives, we have been trained to trust in authority. Police, judges, news anchors, doctors, academics, and politicians have all been glorified in our entertainment and media outlets. They tell us a story and we believe it because they are the respected leaders of our society. I know it is difficult to see past the veil they have placed over our eyes, ears, and mind. It is difficult to stand up to those authorities when you have only evidence. They use peer pressure, shame, and derogatory labels to inhibit the voices of those trying to shed light on their lies.
If we are to live in a society where self-governance is not only possible but ubiquitous, we must fight against these narratives. We must continue to expose the lies told by those we so revere.
Joe Biden did not win in 2020.
The riots of 2020 were not peaceful and formed the vanguard of the color revolution perpetrated on our country.
Fear of the common cold was used to destroy our society.
Hospital protocols were used to increase the death count of Covid.
Vaccines are neither safe nor effective (for anything other than depopulation).
Jim Justice and John Fetterman are too stupid to be senators.
John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Malcom X, and Martin Luther King Jr. were all killed by our own intelligence agencies.
Allowing a “shooter” onto a roof within 150 yards of a presidential candidate is not incompetence.
Excess death of working age Americans is not a mystery.
Data and evidence exist to support each of these assertions. I have provided evidence for most of them over and over again. If doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result truly is the definition of insanity, then call me crazy. The data that I provide regarding excess death is publicly reported by the same government that is telling you nothing is wrong.
We have normalized the Two Minutes Hate George Orwell warned us about.
We are normalizing excess death.
We are normalizing ignorance.
If we don’t recognize these deficiencies in our society and correct them soon, we most certainly will find ourselves birthing a new Dark Age.
Please, open your eyes.
If you have questions or want to TAKE ACTION in your community on this issue, email us at: [email protected]
Please include a complete email, contact phone number, and name of the contact person.
We are, a coalition advocating for taxpayers and ordinary citizens against the government’s financial demands and political powers. Our goal is to give a voice to those with limited representation and work together to prevent Totalitarianism.
Email: [email protected] | Phone: (681) 217-3252