It is Time to call it Murder

Idaho Lawmakers Draft Bill That Would Outlaw Abortion, Classify as Murder

BOISE, Idaho — Two state representatives in Idaho have drafted a bill that would remove an exemption for abortion from existing homicide statutes, and would consequently classify abortion as an act of murder.

“Idaho code defines a fetus as a human and says killing a human is murder. Abortion is in contradiction to the inalienable rights recognized in the Idaho Constitution, and the State of Idaho has the authority to nullify federal laws that would allow abortions,” reads the Idaho Abortion Human Rights Act.

“I made no secret about the fact, when I was running, that I was absolutely committed to ending the murder of preborn Idahoans,” stated Rep. John Green, R-Post Falls, in a video that was posted to social media last week.

Green is co-sponsoring the Act with Rep. Heather Scott, R-Blanchard, as they believe that the State needs to enforce its existing protections for the unborn and remove exemptions from homicide law for those who seek out or perform abortions.

“Abortion is murder under Idaho code and we need to start prosecuting it as murder,” Green stated.

Actor Robert Davi: ‘You Think You Can Rip a Baby From the Womb at 9 Months and it’s OK?’

Long-time actor and professional singer Robert Davi denounced New York’s new law that allows abortion up to the day of birth, deriding it as “savage” and similar to King Herod killing the first born. He added that he was “astounded” that people think it is okay to “rip a baby from the womb at 9 months,” and also called on Americans to start “a national uproar” on this issue “right now.”

Davi further asked if there are any morals left in the United States and wondered what is “happening to our civilization?”

“Murder after Birth’ Bill in Virginia- Nurse WILL NOT COMPLY

Patriot Nurse goes off on the new ‘Repeal Act’ abortion bill that would allow the murder of full term infants at the time of birth. As a former labor and delivery nurse, Patriot Nurse sounds the alarm and reminds healthcare providers of their oaths.


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