…Is Obama a Muslim?

Hi. I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty®.
Donald Trump is now being asked: “Is Obama a Muslim?”

I have a few answers for him.


WayneAllynRoot_HeadFirst, why does it matter? Barack Obama is destroying America, American exceptionalism, middle-class jobs, and America’s respect and standing all over the world. Whether he’s a Muslim or Christian is meaningless. The real question is: “How do we make America great again?”

How do we pay off $18 trillion in debt before it implodes the U.S. economy? How do we create an economy offering something besides low-wage, part-time jobs? How do we save the middle class from Obamacare’s doubling and tripling of health insurance premiums? How do we save the world from Muslim radicals? Whether Obama is a Muslim or Christian won’t solve any of the disasters he has so deftly put into motion.

Secondly, although Obama claims to be a Christian, it’s certainly not dumb or ignorant to wonder if he’s telling the truth. After all, he has a history of lying with impunity about so many things.

He looked the American people in the eye and lied when he swore: “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”

At the moment Obama made that promise, he was lying. Internal White House documents reported that 93 million Americans would lose their plans.

And he promised Obamacare would reduce the cost of health insurance premiums. Wrong.

And he promised Obamacare would reduce the deficit. Wrong. The Congressional Budget Office has walked back that line.

And he promised: “Obamacare will create 4 million jobs.” Off by 6.5 million jobs in the wrong direction.

He lied about all of it.

Then there were his lies about Benghazi — or do you still think it was a spontaneous uprising based on a movie no one ever saw? The facts prove it was known to Obama as a terrorist attack at the moment that he announced it as a protest based on a movie offensive to Islam.

Obama lied about the IRS scandal. It’s not small. It wasn’t a mistake. It wasn’t based in one office in Cincinnati. If you believe either Obama or one of his political operatives wasn’t giving the orders to persecute conservative groups and critics (like me), I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

Obama called George W. Bush “unpatriotic” for adding $4 trillion to the national debt and promised to cut the debt in half during his first term. This was such an audacious lie that, once in office, Obama never mentioned it again and instead added triple the debt of Bush ($12 trillion) and will have taken on more debt than all the presidents in U.S. historycombined by the time he leaves office.

Then there’s Obama’s name itself. How is it ignorant to question whether a man named Barack Hussein Obama is ,,,,,


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