High school students identifying as cats & using litterboxes & leashes in class target of new crackdown with $25k fine

The US Sun
Arshi Qureshi
March 20, 2025

A TEXAS bill is cracking down on students who use litter boxes and wear animal accessories like leashes and tails in class.

The Forbidding Unlawful Representation of Roleplaying in Education Act would prohibit students from identifying or presenting as anything other than human in public schools.

The proposed law, submitted by state Representative Stan Gerdes on March 13, has raised eyebrows across the state as it targets “furries” in classrooms.

Furries are people interested in animal characters with human characteristics who create “fursonas” to live out an alternate persona of those characters with costumes, art, and roleplaying.

“I can’t believe we have to do this, but we cannot allow these types of roleplaying distractions to affect our students who are trying to learn or our teachers and administrators who are trying to teach,” Gerdes said in a statement.

“We just have to keep this nonsense out of our schools.”

The proposed Furries Act bans behaviors such as meowing, barking, wearing animal-like ears, licking themselves, and even using litter boxes to relieve oneself.

Also included are collars, leashes, and fur accessories that aren’t designed for humans, according to local Fox affiliate KDFW .

The bill goes even further by outlawing students from creating organizations or clubs related to such behavior and promoting it as socially acceptable.

The controversial bill was introduced in the Texas legislature after reports of students engaging in these behaviors at school raised concerns.

Under the new law, students could face serious consequences for violating the rules, including suspension, expulsion, or placement in a juvenile justice education program.

For educators, failing to enforce the law would result in fines.

The penalties start at $10,000 for the first offense and could rise to $25,000 for repeat violations.

The bill clearly demands students must present themselves as human at all times, except during specific exemptions.

The exceptions include Halloween or school dress-up events, which are limited to five days per year, and theater performances.

Additionally, students would be allowed to dress as school mascots, but anything beyond that would be banned.


  • Using a litter box at school
  • Wearing animal accessories like: TailsLeashesCollarsAccessories designed for petsFur (other than natural human hair or wigs)
  • Tails
  • Leashes
  • Making animal noises like barking, meowing, or hissing
  • Licking oneself for grooming
  • Collars
  • Pet-designed accessories
  • Fur (except natural human hair or wigs)
  • Animal-like ears
  • Items not historically made for humans

In a press release, Gerdes said he filed the law in response to concerns about a “furry-related incident” at Smithville Independent School District.

Smithville ISD hasn’t returned The U.S. Sun’s request for comment.

Governor Greg Abbott backed the bill at a Texas Pastor Council event in Austin, claiming some rural schools are dealing with students dressing as cats and using litter boxes.

The legislation has drawn the attention of both supporters and opponents.

Proponents argue it’s necessary to maintain discipline in schools, while opponents worry about discrimination.

The act has also sparked outrage among some who feel it infringes on personal expression.

If passed, the Furries Act would take effect immediately with a two-thirds majority vote from the Texas House members.

The law would go into effect on September 1, 2025.

‘Blood Money’: Two of the Biggest Funders of the Radical Transgender Movement in the U.S. Are China-Linked Billionaires

Pro-Beijing groups financially backed by two China-linked billionaires are pushing the radical transgender movement as a means of advancing a Marxist agenda in the United States, seven-time New York Times bestselling author Peter Schweizer reveals in his new book Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans.

In Blood Money, Schweizer, who is a Breitbart News senior contributor and the president of the Government Accountability Institute, reveals China’s multi-pronged, covert attack on America. In Chapter 6, called “Destabilizing Democracy,” Schweizer explores how two billionaires, China-based American Neville Roy Singham and Alibaba co-founder Joseph Tsai, prop up radical activists groups that use transgenderism as a weapon against the “capitalist order.”

Schweizer first focuses on Singham, who grew up in Jamaica and Detroit, Michigan, and as a young man adopted communist ideological views, joining the League of Revolutionary Black Workers (LRBW). Singham ended up creating a software business named Thoughtworks, while also serving as a “strategic technical consultant” for Huawei, the Chinese military-linked tech company. 

Thoughtworks eventually opened an office in Beijing; and in 2010, it held its Software Development Conference in China’s capital city. However, Singham ended up selling the company in 2017, a sale which was a “financial boon” for him and enabled him to dump money into various companies in China, where he now lives, according to Blood Money.

“While enjoying his affluent life and connections in Beijing, Singham has poured more than $100 million into organizations driving the protest movement in the United States,” Schweizer details. “According to the chief scientist at Thoughtworks, Martin Fowler, Singham sold the company so he could fund his ‘activist work’: radical pro–Communist Chinese causes.”

Schweizer, citing tax records, found that Singham’s largest financial commitment is to a New York project called The People’s Forum. Two co-executives of The People’s Forum, Claudia De La Cruz and Manolo De Los Santos, are members of the PSL (Party of Socialism and Liberation), whose leader once demanded that party members offer a “militant political defense of the Chinese government.”

Schweizer points out how the PSL uses the trans movement, along with many other Marxist, grievance-based movements to push the dismantling of western values.

“One of the most divisive issues in America today is the debate over trans rights. Here, too, you see the hand of these Beijing-linked organizations and financiers,” Schweizer writes. “For PSL, the trans movement has become a central part of the radical Marxist movement. ‘The revolution will not be gender-conforming,’ stated one article that examined the substantial number of trans members of the PSL.”

“These pro-Beijing groups see the trans movement as a powerful force to advance their pro-Beijing agenda and push to further radicalize the movement,” he continues:

“The unity of our movements terrifies them,” they explain. Regarding attacks on the trans movement: “These are attacks that serve the interests of the capitalist class.” Regarding linking black radical movements, the anti-police movement, and socialism: “The ability to link all of those things together is extremely, extremely dangerous to the capitalist order.”

Schweizer found that Singham’s organizations have also funded and organized efforts to push the LGBTQ movement further into the American public debate via an event titled “Becoming Numerous: Legacies of Queer and Trans Rebellion.”

As for Jospeh Tsai, co-founder of Alibaba (essentially a state-controlled entity in China), he has “poured millions of dollars into trans causes and research in the United States,” Schweizer writes.

More specifically, the Joe and Clara Tsai Foundation launched the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance in July 2021, with a commitment of $220 million.

“One of the initiatives is the Wu Tsai Female Athlete Program at Boston Children’s Hospital, which serves as a Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance ‘innovation hub.’ The Female Athlete Program’s definition of female ‘includes transgender females as well as those assigned female at birth.’  The director of the Female Athlete Program, Dr. Kathryn Ackerman, is a proponent of transgender athlete inclusion,” according to Blood Money.

Schweizer notes that the Boston Children’s Hospital is infamous for its first-of-a-kind Center for Gender Surgery “that performs mastectomies on teenagers as young as 15, as well as since-deleted wording on the hospital’s website that claimed teens as young as 17 can get vaginoplasties.”

“One of the hospital staffer’s controversial claims is that ‘a good portion of children do know [their gender identity] as early as seemingly from the womb,”‘ he writes.

Schweizer found that Tsai also funded another center at Stanford University “heavily involved in trans research, advocacy, and activism.”

“The same institute held a book club event to promote scientist Ben Barres’s book The Autobiography of a Transgender Scientist,” he writes.

What is especially interesting about both billionaires and the pro-Beijing groups pushing the trans agenda in the U.S. is that “they don’t push them…in China,” Schweizer notes.

He continues:

In that country, adults who transition live much more precarious lives because civil liberties in general are limited. The Chinese government has limited LGBTQ appearances on television and in films, arguing that the depiction of those subjects is damaging to the country. The Chinese government views LGBTQ as “an evil foreign influence that prevents young people from marrying and having children” and bans “effeminate men” on television, among other depictions that could be seen as pro-gay. Social media companies have shut down accounts on the LGBTQ topic. Indeed, LGBTQ groups “often don’t officially register with authorities” because they will not be approved.

“But (Freedom Road Socialist Organization) FRSO, PSL, Singham, and Tsai have not publicly criticized the Chinese government for its conduct,” he adds. “Do they support LGBTQ rights or simply see them as a cynical weapon to wield and with which to divide the United States?”

Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans is out now and available in hardcover, ebook, and audio book.

Katherine Hamilton is a political reporter for Breitbart News. You can follow her on X @thekat_hamilton.

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