Government’s vaccine push an act of tyranny

Parkersburg News and Sentinel
July 10, 2021

In an interview on ABC News, Gov. Jim Justice, suggested we should waterboard those citizens that wish to exercise their God-given and constitutionally protected rights to control their own bodies. The exact quote is “Maybe what you got to do is lead them to water — and then if they won’t drink — you’ve got to just, some way, stand up and push their head down to some way — at least a few will drink.”

Our governor, having expended our resources on lotteries for guns, weekend getaways and money, must now turn to tactics ruled too mean even for terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay. I find it quite concerning that the leader of our state finds it appropriate to speak of his citizens in such an inhumane way?

One of the issues addressed at the Nuremberg Trials after World War II related to medical experiments. The very first of ten Nuremberg Code points reads, “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.”

Not one of these COVID-19 shots is approved by the FDA. Each one is only authorized for emergency use. This is an experimental shot that has never even passed animal trials. Shouldn’t human trials for an experimental medical treatment be voluntary? Isn’t it bad enough that our media and elected officials ignore completely the adverse reactions and deaths reported at the CDC through VAERS? There have been more deaths reported due to vaccine adverse reactions in 2021 than all other previous years and previous vaccines combined.

Medical experiments and trials are needed in order to prove efficacy and safety. Medical trials are voluntary. If one is afraid of a disease with a 99.9 percent survivability rate, by all means take the shot. However, if one wishes to wait for the trials to end and for efficacy and safety to be determined through the normal scientific process before injecting something into their bodies, that is their right as well.

Joe Biden just told citizens there will be vaccination teams going door-to-door. Jim Justice just told citizens if they don’t comply with this medical tyranny, the state should hold their heads under water.

Jim Justice no longer deserves to lead anyone, least of all the citizens of the wild and wonderful state of West Virginia.

Sean Keefe

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