GOOD SAMARITANS: Armed? Needed? Now and Later?





by R.G. Yoho on October 20, 2014

In the pages of Scripture, we first learn the story of the Good Samaritan, a man who came to the aid of a wounded Jewish traveler.

good-samaritan-300x180After discovering the wounded man by the side of the road, the Good Samaritan took him home, bound up his wounds, and nursed him back to health.

While attending a meeting where the speaker mentioned the recent beheading in Oklahoma, I had reason to recall this story.

After the woman was beheaded by another follower of Islam, this so-called religion of peace, and the killer was stabbing another woman at their place of business, a good man with a gun bravely interceded and shot the killer.

Who knows how many other lives in that place of business this good man might have saved?

With the chances that we will soon be seeing more of these acts of Islamocide happening in America, perhaps it is time we consider redefining the term of Good Samaritan.

Maybe it is no longer enough to bind up the wounds of the fallen.

It could be that we need to do more to keep the wounds from happening in the first place.

No doubt there are a number of you reading this who have made a wise decision and chosen to carry a firearm for your own protection.

But like this armed man in Oklahoma who came to the aid of the woman during this violent attack, it may no longer be enough to use the gun for your own safety and protection.

I’m not suggesting that you should become a vigilante or try taking the place of the police. I am certainly a firm believer in letting them do their jobs.

However, it has also been said that when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

Therefore, if you are one of the warriors, someone who has chosen to arm himself, a person who is not content during times of extreme violence to cower in the corner, or hide underneath the table until the police arrive, then this nation may need you more than ever.

For those of you, I urge you to become a Good Samaritan.

Only a fool goes around looking for trouble, but should you be there when it happens, our nation needs you to come to the aid of others in danger.

Throughout our nation’s history, we have been a place that comes to the aid of the helpless.

America is the nation that stormed the guns of Normandy to end the rise of Nazi Germany.

We are the nation that once shed the blood of over 50,000 Americans in the noble effort of trying to stop the spread of Communism in our world. Moreover, we are the people who lost 625,000 of our citizens, one quarter of the male population under the age of 25, to end the slavery of our fellow Americans.

Most of the people I know who carry a gun in self-defense also pray that there will never be a time in their own lives when they are forced to use one.

But if that need arises, I trust that many of you armed ones will not simply be satisfied with getting yourself out of the danger alive.

I ask that you also become a Good Samaritan by placing yourself between the evil ones among us and those they are seeking to harm.

In this home of the brave, we need more people who are willing, in times of danger, to become a human shield for those who are weak, small, and defenseless.

And if the situation requires it, you must not only get others out of the place of harm; you must also do your best to immediately stop the threat wherever it stands.

I believe that these new and dark days of increasing acts of terror may require strong and capable citizens, armed individuals who are willing and capable of confronting and stopping these purveyors of evil.

You cannot wait until the need arises, the moment when danger and evil chooses to rear its ugly head, to make these decisions about what kind of person you will choose to be.

You must make those decisions now, safely tucked away in the security of your own home, surrounded by your precious friends and loved ones.

In these trying days to come, America may need you more than ever.

Will you choose to be a Good Samaritan?



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