Excess Deaths Continue in Wood County WV

Date: October 8, 2023

MOVCAC Contributor:  Sean P. Keefe

In our previous analysis of excess death in Wood County, WV (Excess Deaths in 2021 & 2022 – Who Cares?), we identified a trend of rising death since the pandemic began in 2020.  Since then, we have obtained additional 2023 data from Wood County Clerk Joe Gonzales.  The analysis that follows identifies areas of concern specific to age and gender.  I cannot emphasize strongly enough that this data only pertains to Wood County.  Mr. Gonzales has attempted to get this data for the entire state and has been met with questions like, “Who wants this data?” and “Why are you looking for this data?”  Our state has failed to report on births and deaths since 2020.  Mr. Gonzales is the only public official who appears to have any curiosity regarding the excess death occurring in his community.  His efforts to collect and share this data are greatly appreciated.

At this point, it is obvious that our state is hiding the death totals (and births) from the public.  In our latest article (Covid Killed the Expert Class), we analyzed the official DHHR Vital Statistics report from 2020 where we found 1,377 additional excess deaths over and above the 1,480 Covid deaths reported.  This over-five-times increase in our average growth in deaths goes completely unexplained by the Executive Branch of our government.  In addition, no data is available on the DHHR website for births and deaths from 2021 or 2022.

I cannot stress this enough – if the rest of the counties in West Virginia are experiencing the same increase in death as Wood County, we are witnessing a silent democide that is being aided, abetted, and covered up by our own government.  The most telling graphic in the entire 2020 DHHR Vital Statistics report shows the slow but steady death of our state’s population.

Source Page 22 https://dhhr.wv.gov/HSC/VR/CR/Documents/2020Vital.pdf

No civilization can survive when deaths consistently exceed births.  In our case, the gap between deaths and births is growing each year.  Where are our public policy experts?  Where are our political leaders?  Where are our media?

Our state is suffering a silent death.  Although this death has been creeping up on our population for some time (deaths only began exceeding births around 2010), this phenomenon has only hastened since 2020.


All Death – Wood County and West Virginia

As you can plainly see in the charts that follow, death in the county and the state increased at a slow and steady rate for the five years prior to the pandemic year of 2020.  Of course, we would expect to see a rise in 2020 because we were experiencing a novel virus that had our medical community completely bamboozled.

Never before had Wood County exceeded 95 deaths/month prior to 2020. Since 2020, we have yet to get back below 98 deaths/month.  Weirdly, 2021 and 2022 experienced the greatest number of deaths by far.

Although our state has not published birth or death data since 2020, we were able to find provisional weekly death data on the CDC website by state.  When looking at the state as a whole, we see the same trend.

Source – https://data.cdc.gov/NCHS/Weekly-Provisional-Counts-of-Deaths-by-State-and-S/muzy-jte6

Just like Wood County, the state reached a level of death never before seen, and it has stayed at that elevated level.  Prior to 2020, West Virginia’s highest death total was reached in 2018 – 23,462.  In 2020, West Virginia total death reached 26.108.  Our death total peaked in 2021 at 28,665.  2022 total deaths were still 3,648 above the 2019 pre-pandemic level of 23,291.

Looking at the provisional death data for 2023, it appears that if the current monthly trend continues; we will bring total deaths back below 24,000.  Hopefully, our cold and flu season is mild this fall/winter.

The interesting coincidence that also occurred in 2021 and 2022 is that a new mRNA technology was rolled out on the entire population.  I remember watching Senate candidate Jim Justice and his WVU accomplice, Clay Marsh, coerce, bribe, and bully many West Virginians into participating in that medical experiment.  I find it offensive that he now says it is a personal choice.  I do not think it is a coincidence that these excess deaths are not leading every state newscast or campaign speech.

Justice: COVID vaccinations an important – and very personal – decision – Parkersburg News and Sentinel October 6, 2023

Regardless of what happens for the remainder of 2023, it is obvious that there has been a culling of our population since 2020.  The following discussion will focus on age/gender categories where significant increases in death were experienced.


Female Age Ranges of Concern – Wood County

Prior to 2020, the average number of female deaths in Wood County never exceeded 47.58 deaths/month.  Although the 2023 trend appears to be coming back to historical averages, 2020 – 2022 female deaths/month remained above 51 with a high of 58 in 2021.

If we dive deeper into the 2021 data, we find three age ranges where a catastrophic increase in death occurred.

The previous high for total deaths of 45 to 54-year-old females in Wood County was reached in 2020 at 34.  This represents an increase of 9.67% over the previous high of 31 deaths in 2016 and 2019.  The increase in 2021 to 49 deaths represents an increase of 44.12% over the high reached in 2020.  The increase in death for this age range in 2020 may be reasonable if one believes the pandemic narrative.  However, the 44% increase in the following year is both catastrophic and unexplained.

Prior to 2021, the highest total death for females aged 65 – 74 was 107 in 2017.  This total increased to 143 in 2021 for an increase of 33.64% over the previous high and an increase of 44.44% over the pandemic year of 2020.  How can we ignore an increase of 44% in one year?

In 2021 a total of 234 females in the 85+ age range died.  This total represents a 25.81% increase in total deaths for this age group in the year after the pandemic began.

Shouldn’t we be concerned with these increases in female deaths?


Male Age Ranges of Concern – Wood County

Prior to 2020, the average number of male deaths in Wood County never exceeded 48.33 deaths/month.  Since 2020, the average male deaths/month have exceeded 51 with the highest year being 2021 with 61.33.  That high in 2021 represents a 14% increase in total male death from the pandemic year of 2020 to 2021.  Although male death declined in 2022, the average male death in 2022 still equaled the pandemic year average.  Year-to-date data for 2023 shows that average male death/month remains 5.79% higher than the pre-pandemic high.

A deeper dive into the details shows that, again, 2021 is alarming; but we find cause for greater concern when looking at three specific age ranges.  It should be noted that all age groups for men saw an increase in death from 2020 to 2021 except for the 85+.  That alone should be cause for investigation.

For men 55 – 64, Wood County never exceeded the 108 deaths experienced in 2019 until 2021.  The pandemic year of 2020 saw a decline in deaths from the previous year of 12.96%.  Then in 2021, this age group experienced a meteoric spike of 46.81% in deaths.  These men are the backbone of our economy, and 2021 saw them decimated.

For men 65 – 74, Wood County never exceeded total deaths of 133 until the pandemic.  Since 2020, total death for men in this range has exceeded 148 each year.  Even 2023 is on pace to exceed 150 total deaths.  The high in 2021 of 178 represents an increase of 20.27% over the already elevated total from 2020.  Of all age groups and gender, this one is most alarming.

Death in this range increased in 2020 over the prior year by 24.37%, and each year subsequent either has a total death count higher than the pandemic year or is on pace for that distinction (2023).

Again, these men either are or were the backbone of Wood County’s economy, and their demise is being accelerated.  Shouldn’t we care about them?

Finally, men 75 – 84 total deaths in Wood County peaked at 167 in 2019 prior to the pandemic.  Those deaths increased by 13.17% in 2020 and stayed at that elevated level through 2022.


Public Policy and The Free Press Have Failed

In Wood County, 2021 saw a year-over-year total increase in deaths of 44% in working age women, 44% in retirement age women, and 26% in octogenarian women.  This data also shows that death in men of working age increased by 47% in 2021, while men of retirement age, not only saw a massive spike in death in 2021, but also has experienced elevated death totals since the pandemic began.

Why is this not front-page news?  Why hasn’t DHHR released birth and death figures for the state since 2020?  No matter how one looks at this data, it is obvious that something happened not just in 2020, but in 2021 on through 2022.  State officials know we are looking for this data and are stonewalling its release.  Again, the detailed data in this analysis is only from Wood County.  Are other counties experiencing these elevated deaths?  Is anyone looking into it?

I know this material is mind-numbing, but we must become familiar with it.  If we don’t, this silent democide will continue; and we will only have ourselves to blame when the state collapses.  Again, we don’t even have detailed numbers on births, but the chart comparing births to deaths is all that is needed to see the future decimation of West Virginia communities.

I always assumed (and yes, I know what that means) that even though politicians, policy makers, and those responsible for holding them accountable, were corrupt and untrustworthy; they still were looking out for our society.  Their families will inherit it too, right?  Shouldn’t they want a thriving, growing state?

Boy was I naive.  Bill Gates even admitted that new vaccines could help reduce population by 10-15%.  When they tell us what they are doing, we should listen.


Bill Gates Population Reduction Ted Talk – YouTube

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