Don Trump Jr. Has Guts Like Nobody Else.

Western Journal
Douglas Golden
February 12, 2019

Don Jr. Has Guts Like Nobody Else. Publicly Blasts ‘Loser Teachers’ Shoving Socialism Down Kids’ Throats

Donald Trump Jr. is making waves after he criticized “loser teachers” for indoctrinating kids into socialism.

The remarks came as the president’s son was warming up the crowd in El Paso, Texas, on Monday before his father gave a speech in the border town.

“You know what I love? I love seeing some young conservatives, cause I know it’s not easy,” Trump Jr. said.

“Keep up that fight, bring it to your schools. You don’t have to be indoctrinated by these loser teachers that are trying to sell you on socialism from birth. You don’t have to do it.

“You can think for yourselves,” he added.

Well, not quite equality. The National Education Assocation has been doing almost everything it can to shove socialism down the throats of America’s children for generations now. Now, suddenly, pointing it out is impolitic.

After all, this is a group that currently has a program called “Red for Ed” designed to protest budget cuts.

No, there’s not anything necessarily wrong with it, but it’s certainly the right color. After all, teachers are notoriously liberal as a group, and the NEA has been pushing leftismin public education for quite some time now, the same way leftism is being pushed in almost every branch of education.

This is why it’s surprising — and invigorating — to see young conservatives. Let’s hope that there are a lot more to come. And as for Donald Trump Jr., good for him. This took a lot of guts.

Let’s hope his father is willing to take moves to get this sort of leftism out of public education, like abolishing the Department of Education and standing up for charter schools and the homeschooling movement.



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