Citizens Recourse – WV HB3202
March 15th, 2025
West Virginia County Boards of Education and County Commissions oversee hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars with very little oversight or accountability to those they represent. BOE members hold four-year terms. Commissioners are elected for six years. If a member of the board or commission fails to represent the citizens appropriately, the only recourse for citizens is the ballot box at the end of their term. Four or six years is way too long to risk financial ruin, uncertainty, or poor decision-making by those in control of our money. Citizens must have a consequential voice in matters of county government.
We Need HB3202
Across West Virginia, there are anecdotal reports of out-of-control county commissions and boards of education that fail to listen to their constituents. In Wood County, if you have ever felt passionate about an issue and used your gifted 3 to 5 speaking minutes at a Board or Commission meeting, you have probably experienced or witnessed the blank, disengaged stares of the board, or the personal, disrespectful attacks of a commissioner. They know we have no recourse, and they can use executive sessions and sunshine law defiance to craft their agendas. We have no voice.
We Need HB3202.
In Wood County, the BOE spends millions constructing and consolidating schools at a time when educators across the nation are starting to recognize the damage to education by the loss of small community schools. The County Commission spends millions on an unnecessary building, committing us to years of upkeep, while county water districts begged for funding. As citizens, we have voiced concerns and objections. But we remain voiceless.
We Need HB 3202
Looking at the bigger picture, President Trump’s agenda includes returning power to the states and to the people, for local control of government as our founding fathers envisioned. With no legal voice on the county level, we stand unprepared to handle our local control. We are not ready for local control. We need a tool to strengthen the people’s voice.
We Need HB3202.
Fortunately, West Virginia has three patriotic, constitution-loving delegates who have recognized our need and are attempting to provide us with a remedy.
We Need HB 3202
Sponsor Delegate Henry Dillon, with Co-sponsors Chris Anders and Bill Ridenour have introduced HB 3202, a bill to provide a process for the RECALL of County Commissioners or County Board of Education officials.
It is a first step towards local control. It is a means to make our voice consequential. It will be the catalyst that strengthens the people’s voice, and it will be Our Recourse that readies us for local control of county government.
Please call these delegates and assure them you support this idea. Please call your state representatives and ask them to support it and co-sponsor this bill…and may we all be up to the task of self-governing.
Delegate Henry Dillon [email protected] – (304) 340-3155
Co-sponsor Delegate Chris Anders [email protected] – (304) 340-3350
Co-sponsor Delegate Bill Ridenour [email protected] – (304) 340-3248
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