Your Immediate Action Needed to prevent an effort to damage education in Ohio

Time is of the essence. Liberals on the Ohio State School Board are trying to eliminate American Government and History​ testing in Ohio.

The State School Board will meet on Sept. 18th and 19th (2017) to consider a proposal urging the Ohio Legislature to eliminate the required end-of-course testing in American Government and History. Six years ago, we were able to get a law passed for the Founding of America Documents curriculum, which guarantees that all 88 counties’ school districts teach the founding documents, namely the U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers, Northwest Ordinance and the Ohio Constitution in grades 8 – 12 with an end-of-course exam.

At least one of the 19 State School Board members has tried to make the argument that by doing this, the state is returning control back to the local school systems. While that may, or may not be true, what is more to the point, if the American Government and History standards are not tested, how many teachers will teach this critical information to their students? Everyone knows that the teachers teach to the test. No test, no teaching of the foundational principles of America. 


Your Immediate Action Needed…

Please take some time to email or call the members of the State School board using the information provided below. Even if you can only contact one or two of them with your concerns, it would be of great help in this matter.

Possibly the easiest way to contact all of them quickly is to copy ​and paste all of their emails into the address bar of an email, write your​​ ​message, and hit “SEND!” 

Essentially, we want to communicate “We urge you to vote NO on the proposal to do away with American Government high school end-of-course assessment.”


CLICK HERE [ State Board of Education Members ]

The State Board of Education is made up of 19 members – 11 who are elected and eight who are appointed by the governor. The chairs of the education committees of the Ohio House of Representatives and Ohio Senate serve as non-voting ex officio members. The Superintendent of Public Instruction serves as secretary of the State Board of Education.

To contact your State Board of Education member, please see below or call the Office of Board Relations at (614) 728-2754.

Tess Elshoff
[email protected]

Vice President
Nancy Hollister
[email protected]

Linda Haycock
[email protected]

Kathleen McGervey
[email protected]

Charlotte McGuire
[email protected]

Pat Bruns
[email protected]

Lisa Woods
[email protected]

Antoinette Miranda
[email protected]

Sarah Fowler
[email protected]

Stephanie Dodd
[email protected]

Nick Owens
[email protected]

Meryl Johnson
[email protected]

Joseph Farmer
[email protected]

Cathye Flory
[email protected]

Rebecca Vazquez-Skillings
[email protected]

Martha Manchester
[email protected]

Eric Poklar
[email protected]

Laura Kohler
[email protected]

Kara Morgan
[email protected]


See the resolution HERE that Board members will be voting on at their meeting Monday or Tuesday.​

See the letter HERE that Chris Long, President of Ohio Christian Alliance, wrote to the State School Board members. 

It would also be great if you could forward this email ASAP to​ ​your​​ ​contacts.​  ​Thank YOU in advance for your efforts to keep Ohio children learning about the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and all the other critical founding documents.







 Facebook Pages and Groups for You to “Like and Share” 

Marietta Oh 9-12 Project
Guernsey County 9-12 Project
Noble County 9-12
Monroe County-9-12
Morgan County-9-12
Muskingum County 9-12 


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