Decency was on the Ballot – It Lost
MOVCAC Contributor: Sean P. Keefe
December 22, 2023
Throughout the presidency of Donald Trump, we were told about his authoritarian nature and that if we didn’t put a stop to him, he would destroy America. Both Jill and Joe Biden told us that Decency was on the ballot in 2020. In fact, Joe Biden told us that in addition to decency; character, science, and democracy were all on the ballot. The implication being that not only was Trump a threat to the survival of the republic, he and his followers were indecent as well.
Our problem is not with eyesight, taste, or recognition. Our problem is we have been conditioned to accept and parrot outright lies. We live in a post-truth society. Our media and politicians openly lie knowing the vast majority of the public has been so totally cowed they wouldn’t dare call them out on their lies.
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
― George Orwell, 1984
Democracy, decency, character, and science certainly were on the ballot in 2020 – And they lost.
The Norman-Rockwellian town of Pierpont, Ohio raised a young man who truly believed we elected decent humans to organize, maintain, and safeguard our republic. I joined the Navy because I truly believed that the most free and compassionate country on earth was worth defending. I grew up as a country-bumpkin who milked cows, threw hay, and shoveled cow manure.
I now find myself in the part of my life where I am giving the country that I believed in and served to my children and grandchildren. And I don’t have a shovel big enough to clean the gutter of the democracy, decency, character, and science this illegitimate Biden regime continues to excrete.
All year, we have had states attempt to remove Donald Trump from the presidential ballot. Several state supreme courts have ruled in favor of Trump’s inclusion. On December 18, 2023, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Donald Trump was ineligible for the Colorado primary ballot.
Just like Zelensky’s democracy that we are spending so much to defend in Ukraine; in Joe Biden’s America, opposition is not to be defeated, it is to be outlawed.
At this point, those who view themselves as enemies of traditional American values no longer feel the need to hide their contempt for the wishes of The People. Whether they are arresting Patriots for walking through the Capitol or prosecuting Kyle Rittenhouse and the McCloskeys for defending themselves or their property; they have intimidated the American public into silence. You see, the very foundation of this Supreme Court decision is a lie.
Shouldn’t a requirement to barring an insurrectionist from the ballot be that he aided in the planning and execution of an insurrection? Donald Trump is facing something like ninety-one charges in four separate indictments. He has been investigated by Robert Mueller and two separate democrat impeachments. Where is the insurrection conviction? Where is the insurrection evidence? There is none. But if they say insurrection enough times, it must be true. It has to be the first insurrection where bare hands were the weapon of choice. I mean if it was a real insurrection, they would have at least brought the pitchforks!
They came with their voices and federal agents and the Capitol police flash banged them into a riot.
Trump is not being removed from the Colorado ballot because of an insurrection. He is being removed because there is no way for the Uni-Party to cheat enough in 2024 to avoid the reckoning they know they deserve.
For this category, one only has to look at events that have occurred in the last twelve months.
June 2023 – Topless Trans Woman at White House Pride Event Sparks Outrage – Newsweek
December 2023 – ‘We are being mocked’: Jill Biden’s holiday tap-dance video called secret plot to undermine Christmas – Daily.Dot
December 2023 – Senate aide out of job after purported sex tape apparently filmed in Senate hearing room – CNN
Name me one event during the Trump administration that comes close to any of the events noted above. The closest thing in my lifetime would be the Barney Frank prostitution scandal and the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky scandal. And if you think the transgender nutcracker Christmas promoted by Jill Biden is innocuous, I suggest you research the Dorrance Dance Company and their Antiracist/Marxist views.
Finally, you could rely on the words of Ashley Biden to determine the decency associated with the illegitimate puppet Biden Regime. In her diary, Ashley describes being scared to take her showers too early in the evening for fear her father, our wonderful Dear Leader, would jump in the shower with her. Snopes, CNN and other outlets would have you believe the Ashley Biden diary’s authenticity cannot be confirmed. To that I would ask, why did the FBI raid so many people to recover that document if it wasn’t real?
December 2022 – Did Ashley Biden Accuse Joe Biden of Inappropriate Behavior in a ‘Leaked Diary’? –
November 2021 – FBI raids home of Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe as part of investigation into Ashley Biden’s ‘stolen’ diary – Fox News
You see, it is just as George Orwell said, do not believe your own eyes and ears. We have been cowed and intimidated into accepting outright lies that our own eyes can refute if we but let them. Decency was on the ballot in 2020. Are you going to believe your own eyes and ears or are you going to willingly subvert your own discernment in order to feel accepted in a completely deranged society?
As a grandfather of five, the only example of Joe Biden’s character I needed was his refusal to recognize his granddaughter. The smartest guy Joe knows knocked up a stripper. I suppose that’s not unexpected when the guy was spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on his uncontrollable sexcapades (Hunter Biden Spent $872k on Hookers, Porn and Sex Club Memberships – Newsweek December 2023).
What kind of man allows his kid (fifty-some-year-old degenerate kid) to treat a woman and a child in such a despicable way? Love does not mean accepting all behavior just because you are related. Loving someone includes teaching, prodding, encouraging, and sometimes scolding. Joe Biden refused to recognize his own grandchild until all the court proceedings in Arkansas were complete. He put his degenerate son over his innocent grandchild.
What more character evidence does one need? Cocaine in the Whitehouse? If you can’t decide if you’re with me or with Trump, then you ain’t black? How about his mentor being a former KKK Grand Dragon? How about his transparency when it comes to his senate records and Tara Reade’s assault allegations? Or what about his open lies about his discussions with
Hunter about business? Or what about openly using disinformation from fifty-one former intelligence agents during a presidential debate?
Joe Biden is a known plagiarist who can lie on command. But refusing to even say the name of your own grandchild shows all the character needed.
Narrative control and propaganda have been used to pull the wool over the eyes of not just the American public, but the world as well. Everything that I was taught from high school algebra to formulating chemotherapy IVs in the Navy and at Camden Clark, to understanding the logical flow of business processes and their relationship to the accounting systems that record their detailed financial transactions was based on data collection and evidence evaluation. In all of these situations, math, data, and process steps were used to justify the resulting product.
In algebra, we are taught to painstakingly follow the steps that will inevitably lead to the correct mathematical outcome. For the chemo drugs I formulated, I had to show the pharmacist checking my work the drugs that were added and the specific amounts/proportions as described in the orders specific to each patient. In business systems, we formulate a plan, test the plan, and document the results of those tests so that we are assured that the solutions we provide satisfy the needs of the system users.
During this pandemic, all the rules of science were abandoned.
Masks – All previous science showed that community masking did not provide any benefit.
Supplements and Diets – At the outset of the pandemic, lockdowns were enforced at such a level that if you were on the beach alone, the police would be called. We know that vitamin D deficiency and obesity were driving factors in patient outcomes. Yet, we didn’t let people go outside. We didn’t encourage people to lose weight. We closed gyms so people could not workout and get healthy.
Medical Trials – The COVID vaccine trials were unblinded as soon as they received their Emergency Use Authorization. No long-term safety studies were performed and we moved at the speed of science (which is a completely bogus term made up by Pfizer).
Excess Deaths – Whether dealing with Wood County Excess Death or national excess death trends, it is alarming how little our mainstream scientific community is focusing on death. In fact, check with your state office which deals with vital statistics. See if they are willing to share death data with you. The State of WV has failed to report on their vital statistics since 2020. Why are they hiding death data?
There was never a focus on early treatment and the details regarding Remdesivir, isolating dying Covid patients, and the use of ventilators are the stuff of nightmares.
There are many other areas of science that have become narrative driven rather than data driven. What are the long-term effects of using puberty blockers on pre-pubescent youth? What are the psychological effects of removing a child’s breast tissue or penis? What are the long-term psychological effects of introducing pornography, gender fluidity, or pronoun madness to children who cannot yet even decide whether they’d prefer two Oreo cookies or a ten-dollar bill?
There is not a single bit of science being used in this puppet regime unless you count political science!
The American People have been cowed and intimidated into a George Orwell dystopian 1984 hellscape of gender confusion, poison death shots, illegal government-sponsored censorship, government-controlled narratives, totally secure election processes, human poop-filled cities of violence and corruption, a completely open southern border, and acceptance of a puppet regime led by a degenerate, dementia-addled moron.
You can see it. You can hear it. You can feel it.
It is time for America to wake up, open its eyes, and fight back against these obvious lies. This is not a plea to return to some nostalgic time of Americana. This is a plea to all thinking Americans to return to the path of human evolution in thought, education, and governance. If we don’t stand soon, our devolution into degeneracy, violence, and ignorance will continue and will inevitably infect those who will carry this great country into the future.
Do not be afraid to stand for what you believe in. Do not be afraid to demand transparency from those you have elected to lead our society. Do not be afraid to demand the protection of the God-given rights enshrined in our constitution. Do not fear today. Look into the future that is being created for your children and grandchildren and fear for their survival as free humans.
Christmas is a time for giving.
Give your children and grandchildren the gift of courage.
Give them an understanding of their relationship to the Divine.
Give them knowledge of their ownership of the country of their birth.
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
Ronald Reagan
Only by You and I working together can Totalitarianism be prevented!
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