What is MOVCAC?

October 10, 2024
MOVCAC Contributor:  Sean P. Keefe

I have been struggling with the word “Citizen” for quite some time now.

citizen /sĭt′ĭ-zən/


  • A person owing loyalty to and entitled by birth or naturalization to the protection of a state or nation.
  • A resident of a city or town, especially one entitled to vote and enjoy other privileges there.
  • A civilian.

Source – American Heritage Dictionary

As I have educated myself on the workings of this society/government/civilization, I have learned that many of the words we have been using don’t accurately describe our place in the world.

Am I a citizen of the United States of America?  I suppose based on the legal framework of this country, I am.  However, I have begun to think of my citizenship in a much more dynamic way.  I think about what our Declaration of Independence says:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness.”

We have forgotten what the above declaration means.  Our country is one that recognizes that we are EACH free and equal.  Our government was created to secure these God-given rights.  The government was not created to give us these rights.  It was created by men who understood that these rights come from God and the entire purpose of government is to protect these rights for EACH citizen.

With that clarification in mind, I no longer see myself as a citizen.  The best way I can explain it is thusly:

I belong to America; America belongs to me.

I belong to MOVCAC; MOVCAC belongs to me.

When we look at our existence as belonging to something, we have both a right to the benefits of that belonging and a responsibility to ensure the existence and evolution of the entity to which we now belong.

It has become painfully obvious that our government no longer protects our God-given rights.  Our government seeks to control us through propagandist media, depopulation, medical tyranny, sexualization of our children, public institutional indoctrination, weaponization of relief efforts, over-burdening tax obligations, flooding our communities with invaders, weaponized weather systems, and stolen elections.

MOVCAC found me in May of 2021.  Since February of 2021, I had been attending Wood County Board of Education meetings trying to educate them on mask science and vaccine injuries.  I truly believed that once they saw the data, they would change their policies to reflect reality.  Unfortunately, this was my first introduction to the power of propaganda and social conformity.  In late April of that year, I decided to video one of my presentations to the board and my wife shared that video on Facebook.

John Davis found that video, invited me to a MOVCAC meeting, and I have been attending ever since.  I had no idea there were so many patriots who could see what was happening and were willing to stand and fight.

 You may not know this, but Glenn Newman has been waking people up to the tyranny of our society for about fifteen years.  He works tirelessly to educate our society and grow MOVCAC.

M – Motivate

O – Organize

V – Volunteer

C – Citizen

A – Action

C – Coalition

As we have grown, I have sometimes struggled to understand how to communicate the value/purpose/mission of our collection of patriots.

Although “Organize” is in our title, it is easily the most misunderstood goal of MOVCAC.

When you come to a meeting, you don’t have to sign in.  We have no membership lists, dues, or pledges (other than the Pledge of Allegiance).  We have no president, vice-president, board of directors, budget, organizational chart, or assets.  Our mission statement can be found on our website and is very simple:

The MOVCAC Movement, which stands for the Motivate-Organize-Volunteer Citizens Action Coalition, encourages individuals to take an active role in protecting their communities and advocating for positive change. Staying home and posting online, while sometimes useful for raising awareness, is often not enough to effect substantial change. By getting up, getting out, and joining movements like MOVCAC, you can directly engage in community actions, participate in local decision-making, and collaborate with others who share your concerns. This hands-on involvement is essential for safeguarding our nation, state, and homes from various challenges, whether they be social, or political. Active participation fosters a stronger, more resilient community and ensures that your voice is heard in matters that affect your everyday life.


Our beliefs are simple and aimed at being better stewards of the paradise God gave us:

America is good

 I believe in God and He is the center of my life

 I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday

 The family is sacred

 If you break the law, you pay the penalty

 I have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results

 I work hard for what I have and I will share it with those I want to

The government cannot force me to be charitable

 It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion

 The government works for me. I do not answer to them; they answer to me


Source https://movcac.com/movcac-who-are-we/

If “Organize” is part of our name, what does it mean and how can such a loose and decentralized “Organization” have a lasting impact?

MOVCAC is Jessica Rowley fighting to get obscene material removed from our public schools and libraries.

MOVCAC is Nate Cain running for Congress.

MOVCAC is Chris Rose running for State Senate.

MOVCAC is Terry Hoffman educating our community.

MOVCAC is David Floyd taking a Stand and Standing in his community.

MOVCAC is Sheila Cochran working with Ohio legislative bodies and candidates.

MOVCAC is Chad Conley running for Wood County Board of Education.

MOVCAC is Liz Talbott overcoming all obstacles to ensure team events run smoothly.

MOVCAC is Haddon Lockyer, who teaches our youth conservative values.

MOVCAC is Jim and Cathie Neuhart working tirelessly to promote and grow the movement.

MOVCAC is Bob Lane fighting against poisonous water being pumped into the ground in Ohio injection wells.

MOVCAC is Denny Westover working with West Virginia legislative bodies.

MOVCAC is Heather Farmer fighting for medical freedom.

MOVCAC is Billy Bland coordinating security and parade activities.

MOVCAC is Bonnie Arnold understanding and educating us about the Ohio political climate and processes.

MOVCAC is Jill Hartshorn, Joyce Creel, and Linda Board.

MOVCAC is Carol Butler encouraging churches to actively engage.

MOVCAC is Roger Conley fighting for conservative values.

MOVCAC is Jolene Graham working to ensure election integrity in Ohio.

MOVCAC is John Davis fighting in the courts against mask mandates and vaccine mandates.

MOVCAC is Tom Roten being a conservative Straight Shooter.

MOVCAC is Ed Fisher fighting for West Virginia election integrity.

MOVCAC is a gathering of many quiet warriors and patriots!

There are countless names and examples I could give of the many hard-working and dedicated patriots who have been involved in any number of issues.  Perhaps not all of those listed above would tell you they belong to MOVCAC (although I suspect many would), but MOVCAC was or is a part of each of the above endeavors.

MOVCAC is not a place or a thing. It is a people.  A people dedicated to making our nation, state, county and towns live up to the principles outlined in our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution.  There is no single issue that brings us together.  Hopefully, what we provide is a forum for people to discuss, research, learn, educate, sometimes commiserate, but mostly involve themselves in the issues of the day.  Those issues are different for everyone.  However, once we have someone on an issue, we have many who are prepared to stand with and support those actively engaged.

I have the privilege of standing in front of and presenting information at MOVCAC meetings multiple times a month.  I have worked on canvassing with countless patriots from our group.  I have been on a team that researched, documented, and presented evidence of the scamdemic directly to Patrick Morrisey, countless state senators and delegates, Blair Couch and numerous county officials.  I have watched those who are involved with our group testify at our state capital and actively engage with our lawmakers.

I thank God every day that MOVCAC found me.  None of the issues we face in society today can be corrected by one individual.  MOVCAC belongs to US.  America belongs to US.  In both cases, they are what WE make of them.

Please find a place to belong.  Find a place where you can be an active participant in our society.  If we don’t belong, we will find ourselves subject to those who wish to control us.  If a wide-open border, election shenanigans, Covid tyranny, SELECTION of Kamala Harris as the democrat nominee, Deep State assassination attempts, or unlimited funding for foreign wars while disaster victims are left for dead doesn’t tell you how badly they want total control, just listen to the words coming out of Hillary Clinton’s pie hole:

“But we now know that that was an overly simple view, that if the platforms, whether it’s Facebook or Twitter/X or Instagram or TikTok, whatever they are, if they don’t moderate and monitor the content, we lose total control,” she continued. “And it’s not just the social and psychological affects, it’s real life.”

Hillary Clinton says social media companies need to moderate content or ‘we lose total control’ – Fox News – October 6, 2024

You are in a fight for your freedom and they don’t even try to hide it anymore.



The MOVCAC Movement, which stands for the Motivate-Organize-Volunteer Citizens Action Coalition, encourages individuals to take an active role in protecting their communities and advocating for positive change. Staying home and posting online, while sometimes useful for raising awareness, is often not enough to effect substantial change. By getting up, getting out, and joining movements like MOVCAC, you can directly engage in community actions, participate in local decision-making, and collaborate with others who share your concerns. This hands-on involvement is essential for safeguarding our nation, state, and homes from various challenges, whether they be social, or political. Active participation fosters a stronger, more resilient community and ensures that your voice is heard in matters that affect your everyday life.

Join the MOVCAC Movement

Email or Call for information on how you can become involved in saving our Republic

Contact Information

Email: [email protected] | Phone: (681) 217-3252

Mailing Address:
MOVCAC | PO Box 261 | Mineral Wells, WV 26150

MOVCAC Chapter Locations and Meeting Information

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