We the People Convention 2018

I don’t know about you, but I have had about as much as I can take of party politics, rigged elections, total political corruption and literally ZERO REPRESENTATION of the wants and needs of We the People by the political and donor “Ruling Class” at the local, state and federal levels. When the TEA Party Movement began in 2009 we debated about starting a new political party, joining with the Republican Party, joining with the Libertarian Party or Constitution Party, or just staying out of party politics. 

We eventually decided to try and work with and within the Republican Party, and after doing so for the past several years, we have little to nothing to show for our efforts, as they use us to get elected and then show us the back of their hand after they get elected. It looks to me like our experiment with the Republican Party has run it’s course.

It is time to HIT THE RESET BUTTON and put EVERYTHING back on the table as we decide how to best spend our time, effort and money going forward in order to restore representative, constitutionally limited governance and defend our individual freedom and liberty!  So, we are going to get together at the 2018 We the People Convention and talk it out and I hope that you will make plans to join us and make your voice heard:

When:  Saturday, May 12, 2018 from 10:00 AM until 2:30 PM

Where: Cherry Valley Lodge, 2299 Cherry Valley Rd, Newark, OH 43055

Cost: $10 per person to cover facility rental and pizza lunch

Cherry Valley Lodge is located 35 miles East of Columbus.
Rooms are available for Friday night before and Saturday night after the Convention

The cost per night is only $89 per night for Convention Attendees

Call 740-788-1200 to make a reservation if you need one and be sure to tell them you are with the We the People Convention







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