Lobbyist … a Cancer on Freedom
The Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio raised the pay of the lobbyist at the center of Columbus’ red-light camera scandal by more than 70 percent during a three-year period…
Read MoreThe Democratic Party is an Institutional Evil
Hillary Clinton still Democrats’ prize fighter despite setbacks and Sanders Party’s ‘safe haven’ may see a few bumps in the road – and rumours of Joe Biden considering a run –…
Read MorePat Buchanan Goes After GOP Elites
… Who Want To ‘Purge Trump Pat Buchanan: If GOP has no room for The Donald’s followers, it has no future By: Pat Buchanan In the Cleveland debate, Donald Trump…
Read MoreTrump may be our last hope to shut up the politically correct
by John Myers According to the progressives, Donald Trump is the rudest man in America. Trump is successful and ambitious and tells it the way it is. That means he…
Read MorePhase Two of Obama’s Plan to Federalize the Police Force …
9-12 Meeting Monday Evening Time: 7:00 PM Location: Freedom Gate Church 104 Tennis Center Dr. | Marietta, OH Bring 2 people with you! _______________________________ Phase Two of Obama’s Plan to…
Read MoreHouse Passes Bill Blocking State Requirements for GMO Labeling
Friday, 24 July 2015 THE NEW AMERICAN by Raven Clabough As predicted, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the innocuously titled “Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015,” which…
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