Did You Know…
BILDERBERGERS NOTORIOUS FOR CHOOSING OUR PRESIDENTS, NOT THIS TIME! By Kelleigh Nelson July 1, 2016 NewsWithViews.com “When a true genius appears, you can know him by this sign: that all…
Read MoreAsking About Race…
Black Trump Fan Delivers Epic “Plantation” Lesson to Anchor Asking About Race Mason Weaver, a black Donald Trump advocate, had some mighty words about Trump’s plan to help give Americans…
Read MoreNigel Farage On Brexit To European Parliament
The Best Speech to the European Parliament The European Parliament leaders discussed the consequences of Brexit for the EU, how remaining EU members should regroup following the news, and the…
Read MoreThe Republican Establishment…
By Marilyn MacGruder Barnewall June 26, 2016 NewsWithViews.com Congressman Ryan, Senator McConnell, Reince Priebus, et al… You have made it quite clear that you, the Republican establishment, do not…
Read MoreEstablishment Want A North American Union
By Diane Kepus June 24, 2016 NewsWithViews.com Merging USA, Canada and Mexico I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall…
Read MoreIt Ain’t Over Yet…
AMERICA, THERE’S STILL HOPE By Ron Edwards June 24, 2016 NewsWithViews.com Despite our republic’s current struggles with the after effects of over seven years of Obama, I am still of…
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